..and that is why now ex-BP ceo Tony Hayworth is free to spend his time yachting instead of cleaning up the fucking mess his company created in the Gulf of Mexico.
Now, before I get sued, let me just say that all of this post will be my own conjecture and my own conclusions based on my extensive *ahem* research of the internets and various blogs and no-one elses, and until such time as BP can be as successful shutting down the voicing of opinions on the web as they have been at quashing videos of dying oil-covered dolphins and pelicans they are more than welcome to kiss my hairy arse.
Now, back to the Gulf...
It is hard to imagine a more devastating and catastrophic event than that which has occurred (and as of this date 06/24/2010 continues to occur) in such a highly ecologically sensitive part of the world, save perhaps a nuclear detonation. It isn't just the black poison that is puking into the water at 5,000 below the surface that's doing it, it is all of the other contaminates that are going into the gulf as well. Most ironic of which is the shit that BP is using to supposedly help clean the oil up in the first place, all of which have added to the toxic mixture that will be the death of that body of water and most likely, if the Exxon Valdez clean-up is anything to go by, many of the poor souls trying to help clean it up.
This is one of those times when you are furious at what is going on, and even more furious that your anger really won't get anything done. This isn't one of those situations where you can pick up the phone and call your representative and scream at them to send in the cavalry. The fact is, there ain't no cavalry for a fuck-up this big. The only ones remotely capable are the ones that got us into this mess in the first place and that isn't exactly re-assuring.
As we sit around watching BP slowly murder the Gulf of Mexico, the politician's solution in D.C. was to get their pound of flesh, and more importantly, their election campaign soundbite by brow-beating the clueless dipshit in charge of the company. I'm sure that away from the cameras and the oil-covered wildlife he's a nice quiet guy. But that's not what was on the agenda and so Tony got to sit there and act all contrite while the politicians blatantly pandered to their base, and at the end of the day all that had changed was several thousand more barrels of oil had escaped into the Gulf, and several politicians had made themselves out to be the champion of the poor and the down-trodden (it is an election year after all).
I honestly have a hard time deciding who is worse. The CEO of the company that cut corners and wound up killing an entire eco-system for the sake of profit, or the suit wearing prostitutes that company paid for to legislate those corners off in the first place.
Both are despicable types of human beings, but the fact that the planet gets to suffer because of their actions makes them infinitely moreso.