Odds and Sods
I figured I would add this little area to post my witty one-liners about daily things that irk me. They may turn into full fledged ramblings, in which case they will be posted both here and on the main page, then again they may not, in which case they will stay here in this cozy little back-water...
Dang it's been a while since I've been here!! Anyhoo, just another tricky-quicky, but does anyone else find it weird that Newt Gingrich has signed the Marriage Fidelity Petition that the whackies in Iowa were demanding fealty to even though he's on wife number three. Doesn't that sort of automatically disqaulify him? Oh, and Mittens pointed out that Newt's number one character flaw was that he was "Zany". "Zany"? Mittens, are you fucking kidding me? What is this "Leave it to Beaver"? Dude, what fucking decade do you think this is....
With all of the wailing and gnashing of teeth coming from the right-wing media about President taking a vacation this week I thought it might be useful to remind those brain-dead asswipes that to-date, Obama has taken less than one third of the time off that his lazy-ass predecessor did in the same time frame. But according to the right-wing hyenas only republican Presidents get time off....silly hypocritical assholes that they are...
Good thing the Obamanator prevented the end of the economic world by giving the republicans everything they wanted...see how positively the stock markets have reac....wait....they're off by more than 3%....Oh well, at least he has his principles left.....too bad he traded most of ours away for a handful of beans...You know, he's miles better than a McCain presidency, but sheesh, somedays you just have to wonder what it will take for the man to go all Samuel L. Jackson on the white folk in Congress...
The Dallas Mavericks won their first NBA title yesterday by beating the Miami Heat and their star player Lebron James. Lebron's performance throughout the finals was best described as 'lacklustre', or more charitably as "fucking pathetic". I have to give props to the Cleveland Cavaliers fans who rejoiced in Lebron's spectacular failure in the national stage. That is a special kind of hate. And I am doubly thrilled that we will now not have to suffer through the endless Nike and Gatorade commercials featuring the most highly-overpaid athlete on the planet had his teammates won the title for him.
A little late I know, but a quick "Fuck You" to the Fox Network for cancelling 'Lie to Me', one of the best written, fabulously acted, funny and dramatic shows on the box. They obviously needed to clear space for another Simon Cowell-owned piece of shit...I hope it fucking fails...
MSNBC host Ed Shultz suspended himself today after making a rude comment yesterday about rightwing hate-radio host Laura Ingraham. Ed called her a "right-wing slut". This was an unforgiveable slur, and Ed quite rightly took the appropriate corrective action. As everyone knows, Laura Ingraham is a right-wing whore, and not a slut, because she charges for selling whatever integrity she may have had to the right-wing agenda on a daily basis, rather than giving it away for free. Sluts everywhere are said to be satisfied at Ed's self-imposed punishment.
It was announced today that Ashton Kutcher will replace Charlie Sheen on Two and a half men next season. This would make normal people question just how bad they personally sucked if Ashton Kutcher was a better option than them at just about anything...No word from Mr 'Winning' about this latest 'Torpedo of Truth', and to be honest I don't give a shit...
In other news it has been revealed that a collection of porn has been retrieved from some of the computers removed from the OBL compound after the SEAL raid the other week, no word as to the specific titles but apparently the 'Blowjob Burkha Babes' series is included as well as "The Goatman Cometh" trilogy...
Dear republican revisionist historians, if the daring raid into Pakistan ordered by President Obama had gone terribly wrong instead of being the huge success it was, and OBL had escaped and the Seal Team had all been killed, would you still want bush to get the credit for it?
Yeah, I didn't think so either....
I know I haven't been here in a while, most of my rants have gone straight to the front page, so to make it up to you here's a quick joke. A guy walks into a bar and tells the bartender he wants a 'Bin Laden'. The bartender looks surprised, and says "What's in a Bin Laden?", the guy replies "two shots and a splash of water"...
Apparently Bristol Palin made over $250k as a spokesperson for abstinence education. This makes as much sense as paying Charlie Sheen to lecture on sobriety and temperance...
AG Eric Holder has decided that Gitmo prisoners will be tried in secret, not in criminal courts as promised by President Obama. Why the about face? The official excuse is that it's because the US Congress wouldn't oaky the funding (which is bullshit), but the real reason is probably closer to the fact that a criminal court proceeding would lead to the inevitable public disclosure that the US does in fact torture people in clear contravention of international law and the Geneva Conventions.
This makes my head hurt. President Obama accepted an award today for making the government more open and transparent. So? It was presented to him behind closed doors with no media or public access to the ceremony. No-one in the WH apparently understands the concept of irony.
Apparently the nuclear meltdown in Japan is passe and old news. The lead stories on Good Morning America this morning were a grinning dog and a tatooed rapper's meltdown. We are sooooooooo fucked.
Not happy that AT&T has bought T-Mobile. If I wanted shitty service, dropped calls, crappy data plans and exorbitant rates I'd have fucking signed up with them in the first place..
So with the UN's blessing Obama continues with his predecessor's policy of "If you fuck with the oil, we'll fuck YOU up"....
I will definitely be posting at greater length about this, but Obama has officially "changed" into his predecessor...I am so fucking tired of being outraged at every move this man makes, but goddamit could he just fucking ONCE act like he has a spine??
But, but, but...I thought Global Warming was a myth?
It's official, Charlie Sheen killed the Golden Goose as Warner Brothers fires his crazy psychotic ass..
I am hearing alot of chatter that Charlie Sheen is about to be cast as Col. Gahdafi in an upcoming movie. The rationale from the producers being that it is cheaper to hire a person who is already barking mad and suffering from delusions of grandeur rather than find a professional actor.
According to a headline I saw today Bristol Palin is writing a memoir, or more likely, someone is writing her memoir for her, and it got me to thinking, 'what can this daughter of privilege and power possibly have to say at the ripe old age of 20?' Apparently 'got knocked up, quit high school, broke up with my boyfriend, went on telly' is what constitutes a memoir nowadays...Ya think anyone would give a shit if her last name wasn't Palin? Yeah, me neither.
In light of the win by my beloved Chelsea over arch-rivals and serial-wankers Man Yew 2-1 yesterday I hereby present to one and all, 'The world according to Sir Alex Ferguson' wherein the only rule is that when Man U win it's because of their superior talent and execution, superb fitness, and overall brilliance, when they lose it's because of the fucking blind referee. The End.
Seems like someone feels the need to try and pull a "Sheen"...Maybe she should try and concentrate on remembering the words to the National Anthem instead...
Just in case you thought the racists in the south couldn't get any more stupid there's this nugget of Teanut-baggery demanding that the President present certified "proof of birth". Wouldn't his navel be proof of his birth, I mean, unless they think he was hatched or something...
Okay, I knew as soon as I started typing the comment above it was going to wind up on the front page, so here goes with another thought that won't, at least, not yet: Newt Gingrich, the porcine serial-adulterer and nouveau devotee to the Holy Church of Rome, has announced that he will probably announce that he will jump into the 2012 Presidential race. I know he has an ego the size of his home state, and is a vile and repugnant human being, but he repeatedly breaks Ronald Raygun's golden rule about not speaking evil of a fellow republican, so that makes this truly exciting. The same man that caused the Federal Government to shut down back in the 90's because of a pissing contest he got into with the Whitehouse, is about to start breaking that rule all over again. This of course at the same time as a new set of clueless republicans are on the verge of shutting down the Federal Government again....Timing, it appears, is not Newtie's strong point...
Is it me or do Charlie Sheen and Moammar Gahdafi share the same chemist? They both look like shit, they both ramble, and they're both about to crash. Badly. Speaking of which, is it telling that Charlie Sheen gets a one hour special about his new 'lifestyle' on the Idiot's Lantern tonight, and the impending civil war in Libya doesn't? I know that the citizens of this country are obsessed with celebrity and can barely find their own country on the map, let alone anyone else's, but seriously, the deluded ramblings of a deranged drug addict deserves an hour of primetime television, but the struggle for freedom for a country ruled by an insane despot doesn't? I think it's a chicken and egg scenario, are the people stupid because of the tv programming, or is the tv programming stupid because the people watching it are as intellectually curious as a brick? Answers on a postcard please....
(No, you are not seeing double, this one is also on the main page)
Speaking of which...funny how the allegedly "liberal media" hasn't bothered to cover the Union protests ongoing on Wisconsin. Couldn't be because the media in this country really isn't liberal at all, could it?
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