Tuesday, September 2, 2014

When celebrity nipples are more important than war crimes..

Okay, some thoughts about the leaking of various and sundry celebrity women's nekkid pics. Can we get a little perspective here? Yes, this was gross violation of their privacy, but this talk about how this is just a continuation of the overall objectification of women, and how this continues to shame them, is, in my humble opinion, massively overblown.

These women all agreed to have these pictures taken, no-one forced them, and men, since the beginning of time, have done all they can to look at women naked. We're hard-wired that way. Oh, and really, 'objectifying'? Seeing Kate Upton or Rhianna starkers is different from how they present themselves in their day jobs how exactly?

Yes, again, these were private photographs, never meant to be seen by the public at large, but in the bigger picture, when we look at muslim radicals committing atrocities on a daily, if not hourly basis, in Iraq, and Russia and Ukraine are on the verge of a war that could trigger yet another global conflict, and the polar ice caps continue to melt; we're really supposed to get all bent out of shape because Jennifer Lawrence posed nude for her boyfriend once, and some sneaky git stole the pics from the cloud and posted them on the web?

I think not.

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