I know that you were making hay while the sun shines, and seeing as how your corporate buddies control the media that's pretty much all of the time, but really, we're not all as stupid as your xenophobic base. The vast majority of us are indeed capable of intelligent thought. We ask questions. And we can smell bullshit a mile away, which is why all of this faux outrage is so offensive to those of us with IQ's higher than the number of ex-wives Newt Gingrich has.
The planned Islamic Cultural Center is a building that will contain a basketball court and a culinary school as well as two floors designated as prayer areas. This does NOT make the entire building a mosque, in the same way that a chapel in a hospital does not make it a church, but you can't really get the mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging, flag-wavers that compromise your base all fired up about a "community center" can you? Not really, but if you call it a mosque, and say that it's going to be built "at ground zero" (another steaming pile of bullshit) then Joe Six-Pack gets his hate on and starts foaming at the mouth right on cue.
I don't blame you, you are merely doing what you do best, but I do blame the lapdog media for going along with this blatant right-wing lie. I shouldn't be surprised really, they are all (with a couple of rare exceptions) either too lazy or too incompetent to actually dig for the truth. They are much more interested in their bloated salaries and quasi-celebrity status than doing their fucking jobs, but I still get depressed when almost every network has their Ken and Barbie Doll news-models spouting the same tele-prompted lies day after day, apparently without even thinking about what the words escaping their lip-glossed mouths are actually saying.
Even more depressing though is the reaction from the higher-ups in the Democratic party. President Obama finally weighed in on the issue by reminding everyone, including the butt-fuck-stupid idiots on the right, that this is America, dammit, and here we have a thing called the Constitution and it guarantees freedom of religion. That would be ALL religion buckwheat. So why don't you go back to fucking your half-sister and leave the thinking to the adults. There was much rejoicing from the left as the President showed the rest of the Democratic party what a spine looked like, but then, even before the cheers had died down, he promptly backed down.
Not to be outdone in the "I want to look like a complete equivocating twat" contest, the Senate majority leader, Harry Reid, said that even though there is religious freedom in the USA, the mosque should probably be built somewhere else. In all fairness to Harry 'Ball-less' Reid, he is in a tight re-election battle against a woman that is quite possibly the most ill-informed, jaw-droppingly dense person to have ever sought office, but really Harry, you had to say that people are free to worship as they please, as long as they accept a few restrictions on where they actually do it?
I feel ill.