Today is 'Super Tuesday' here in 'Murrka (Home of the brave and land of the free*) which is when republican voters drag themselves out of their Mom's basement or their trailer homes, and trudge to the polls in seven states to vote for their favourite angry, rich, white guy. The 'front-runner' of this race, if by that phrase you mean "the candidate who has won less than half of the contests to this point but still gets pimped by the M$M as the man to beat", has been portrayed by his opponents as an out of touch, rich, liberal elitist. Whilst it is true that Mittens is the most liberal of the candidates currently on the republican ballot, that is rather like saying Pol Pot was an 'unambitious under-achiever' when compared to the likes of Hitler and Stalin. Don't get the wrong idea though, he's still a right-wing ideologue when it comes to the poor, the unemployed, unions, the environment, health care, gay rights and civil liberties, he just doesn't hate minorities and women as much as the other guys.
Be that as it may, the latest comment uttered by the wife of Mittens Rmoney ups the 'say what?' quotient to 100...Whilst her multi-millionaire husband runs around the country, rolling up his sleeves and pretending to be a regular guy with his 'aw shucks' campaign-shtick, his wife has picked up his unfortunate habit of discounting his wealth as being not that big of a deal. Her latest gaffe came earlier this week when she said that she didn't really consider their family to be that wealthy at all. To which I say 'bitch, please'....anytime you want to switch bank books I'm all in. Shit I don't even want the whole $250 million (that's $250,000,000.00 for those of you playing along at home), I'd take 10 percent of that and be thrilled, hell, I'd take ONE percent of that number and consider myself wealthy....
Couple this with her husband's recent statements that "he's a Ford man, but my wife is into Cadillacs, in fact she drives two", and you start to get the sense that these rich motherfuckers Just.Don't.Get.It.
So I have to say, on this single thing, his opponents are 100% right. And that is the first and only time I will ever admit to agreeing with anything Frothy Santorum or Toad Gingrinch have uttered...
*Actual freedom may vary based upon race, gender, sexual orientation or net worth