Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Prometheus: Back to the future from the past in the future

I'm not going to give you the back story because I'm sure you've all seen at least a thousands tv commercials for it so here, in brief is my review...Spoiler alert? Why bother, nobody reads this blog anyway so who's going to have anything spoiled for them...

I give it a solid B+...which in this day and age of interminable Adam Sandler flicks, Vampire romances,  and relentless cartoon/super-hero sequels, here was a movie that really tried to stand out...and it succeeded...sort of...

I really wanted to like Noomi Rapace's character because she's a great actress, but I simply didn't buy-in to the relationship with her partner...there was another one of those "I'm going to try and eat your face off because that's how passionately-in-love people kiss" scenes, which was totally unbelievable...and the rest of the time the supposed knowing glances flashed between the two lovebirds were more reminiscent of a sudden 'did you remember to let the cat out' moment rather than a 'I connect with you at a molecular level of love, man' emotion...

Idris Elba with an American accent...what a waste...I think his lines would have sounded soooooo much better in his natural accent...think 'John Luther In Space'...with guns...and aliens..what could go wrong?

Charlize Theron was apparently just there to try and look highly efficient and erotically pent-up as the ships' Commander besides, as it turns out, all she really wanted was a damned good rogering anyway...

All the other scientists got eaten...we all knew that was going to happen, right?

Which leaves Michael Fassbender's performance as David.

One word. Spell-binding. (okay, technically that's two but you get my point).

He absolutely makes the movie. You are never quite sure what his character's agenda is, which is weird 'cos he's a robot and they're supposed to be programmed right? But he is without doubt what drives the movie. Sure there are slimy monsters penetrating the orifices of various unwilling hosts, and sure there's the question of just who these 'Engineers' really are, but at the end of the day, the only person you care about is David, and he's silicone based. And that's why the movie is ultimately a bit of a let-down. The over-arching theme in the whole movie is about mankind finally figuring out the answer to the ultimate question of who, or what, created us, and in the end the only person really worth caring about was the bloody robot...

Oh, and the movie blatantly sets up at least one more sequel (a banner trailing from the spaceship as the credits started to roll saying "If the box office take is enough we'll see you in 2014" would have been only marginally less obvious..) which i find insulting and annoying, but at least it's not going to be another fucking Die Hard movie so it does have that going for it...

If you're into the franchise I don't think you'll be too disappointed after all it is way better than anything they produced after Aliens, and if you're just looking for a gloriously filmed sci-fi thriller I don't think you'll be let down either. Definitely worth the price of admission.