Wednesday, November 28, 2012

A picture tells a thousand words...or, why the GOP still just doesn't get it...


After the almighty ass-kicking that Mittens got earlier this month courtesy of Mr & Mrs American voter, a veritable landslide of Electoral Votes and a majority of the popular vote for the President, some would think that the republican party might sit back and ponder as to whether their divisive, exclusionary polices had something to do with that.

Did their fetus-loving, woman-hating, race-baiting, dog-whistle cornucopia of multi-million dollar ad-campaigns truly backfire? How could it be that their billionaire benefactors like the Koch brothers, and Sheldon Adelson had crucially mis-calculated the pulse of the American voter? (You know, by getting the poor-folk to vote against their self-interests yet again by claiming that the President was going to take away their guns, force them into a gay marriage and let illegal immigrants have sex with their daughters whilst banning Christmas in favour of Ramadan and Kwanzaa.)

The phrase "I spent $300 million dollars and all I got was this lousy Romney/Ryan tee shirt" comes quickly to mind. And not without a bloody great grin from myself I hasten to add. But one would have thought that after the Democrats had not just held onto the Whitehouse (handily), maintained their majority in the Senate (by adding a slew of highly qualified female candidates) and rejecting some of the most hateful, bigoted ignorant Teabaggers foisted upon an un-willing nation  in the last mid-term election (take a bow Joe Walsh you dead-beat bastard and Allen West you war criminal), that maybe, just maybe,  the powers that be in the GOP would stop for a second and see if maybe the problem wasn't the voters, it was them....maybe they should have been more pro-women? More tolerant of those with different coloured skin, religions or sexual preferences?

Well, they've thought about it and their answer's NOT THEM....

Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present to you the chairpersons of the next republican-led House of Representatives Select Committees...

Look at all of that diversity...

The GOP. The Party of Fucking Idiots.