I watched the hugely-attended rally yesterday from the Mall in D.C. and it looked like a real blast. The crowd size knocked Glenn Beck's religious revival meeting in the dirt, the music was great, the jokes were funny and the overall point was well made.
Well, sort of.
In a political season that has been more venomous and mean-spirited than I can ever remember (and bear in mind it has only been two years since McCain foisted his lip-stick wearing Alaskan pit bull on us all), one would think that at a rally that attracted northwards of 300,000 like-minded folks to come together and be heard, they would have come up with a better message. At least one that was better than what was in all essence, just another version of "can't we all just get along?" I mean really, I thought this was supposed to be a clarion call against the 24/7 news cycle of hate and fear-mongering that pollutes the airwaves, a sort of collective Howard Beale moment.
Apparently not.
Look, I understand that John Stewart and his network had to tread a very fine line between political parody and actually picking a political side, but when the premise of the whole rally is based on two shows that relentlessly take the piss out of the republican party and their right-wing media machine, you would have thought that a 'we're not taking anymore of this shit' message was pretty much a given. Instead we got a watered-down, almost generic, 'all-of-the-talking-heads-on-cable-are-as-bad-as-each-other' message that is both disingenuous and almost entirely incorrect. That's almost as intellectually dishonest as agreeing with the 'Liberal Media' myth. (Speaking of whom, the M$M not surprisingly, almost entirely boycotted the rally because, you know, it wasn't a "serious news event").
At the end of the day I'm not sure what anyone realistically expected to come out of the rally, other than a damn good time being had by all, and everyone being agreeable and nice to everyone else, but I do know this; three hundred thousand volunteers going door-to-door in a coordinated 'Get out the Vote' campaign might have been a hell of alot more productive in getting a positive result for the country come Tuesday night.
I sincerely hope I'm wrong about this, but in the end I think it was just pissing in the wind. We shall see.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Dear republican 'economic expert' fuckwads...I know what you are up to...and so does the electorate..
Whilst you climb up on your high-horses and talk about 'government spending gone mad' regarding the economic stimulus implemented by President Obama (which, by the way, recent figures show has actually worked) and how once you seize power this fall all of that will end, the electorate is finally beginning to cotton on. You see, whilst it sounds great in the 30 second ads your corporate owners play endlessly on the idiot's lantern this election season, we know that you're completely full of shit. Even though you get to lie about it almost non-stop courtesy of the unbelievably incompetent and potentially republic-destroying decision handed down by the Chief Puppet of the Supreme Joke, John Roberts, your campaign ads can't hide the one thing that we all know to be true: if the government doesn't spend money in an economic environment where corporations are too busy hoarding their cash and the US consumer has no cash because they are flat broke, bankrupt, jobless and sometimes all three, the economy goes straight into the shitter.
We know that and you know that, and more to the point, we know that you know that. And yet your entire platform is stolen from the Tea-Bag morons i.e. you want to stop ALL government spending. So we now know, beyond a shadow of doubt what you really stand for. We now know that you really do want the economy to tank. That way, once the shit hits the fan, you can blame it all on Obama and get Caribou Barbie or some other equally brain-dead meat-puppet installed in the Whitehouse in 2012, and you can finally finish what Dick Cheney and his idiot side-kick started after the bloodless coup d'etat of 2000, the utter destruction of the Constitution and the end to representative democracy in this country. (Don't get me wrong, they'll still have "elections" and people will still "vote", but the only interests being represented will be those of the corporations).
It means that we now know, beyond a shadow of doubt, that you are the party that is solely interested in protecting corporations and their profits over the well-being of the citizenry you claim to represent. (Not new news I know, but it is refreshing to have it finally out in the open).
It means that we know, beyond a shadow of doubt, that you will say and do ANYTHING to get elected and that you are the furthest thing from the patriots you pretend to be. (No real surprise there then either).
It means that whilst your over-paid enablers in the Corporate Media continue to lob nothing but pre-screened, pre-approved softballs during their 'up close and hard-hitting' interviews with you, the electorate has finally seen through it all and at long last figured you out.
We know that you are mean, greedy, selfish people that care only about themselves and nothing about the rest of us, and we know that you think we are so stupid that we won't ever figure that out. Well, I think this time you have gone too far. I think that this time your baises have started to show through so clearly and so blatantly that you will wind up getting your dicks slammed in the drawer. Hard.
So sure, go ahead and crow about your upcoming takeovers of the House and Senate, start measuring those curtains and planning to move in your office furniture, but when on November 3rd, after all the dust has cleared, you find out that you are still in the minority, maybe then you will finally figure out that you can't treat the electorate as a bunch of un-educated semi-literate morons that can be manipulated by slick ad campaigns full of lies and bullshit, and that you might actually need to come up with an economic platform that helps people, rather then corporations.
Wait, what? Yeah, I know, no fucking way, right? I'll have a three-way with Salma Hayek and Cindy Crawford before that ever happens.
We know that and you know that, and more to the point, we know that you know that. And yet your entire platform is stolen from the Tea-Bag morons i.e. you want to stop ALL government spending. So we now know, beyond a shadow of doubt what you really stand for. We now know that you really do want the economy to tank. That way, once the shit hits the fan, you can blame it all on Obama and get Caribou Barbie or some other equally brain-dead meat-puppet installed in the Whitehouse in 2012, and you can finally finish what Dick Cheney and his idiot side-kick started after the bloodless coup d'etat of 2000, the utter destruction of the Constitution and the end to representative democracy in this country. (Don't get me wrong, they'll still have "elections" and people will still "vote", but the only interests being represented will be those of the corporations).
It means that we now know, beyond a shadow of doubt, that you are the party that is solely interested in protecting corporations and their profits over the well-being of the citizenry you claim to represent. (Not new news I know, but it is refreshing to have it finally out in the open).
It means that we know, beyond a shadow of doubt, that you will say and do ANYTHING to get elected and that you are the furthest thing from the patriots you pretend to be. (No real surprise there then either).
It means that whilst your over-paid enablers in the Corporate Media continue to lob nothing but pre-screened, pre-approved softballs during their 'up close and hard-hitting' interviews with you, the electorate has finally seen through it all and at long last figured you out.
We know that you are mean, greedy, selfish people that care only about themselves and nothing about the rest of us, and we know that you think we are so stupid that we won't ever figure that out. Well, I think this time you have gone too far. I think that this time your baises have started to show through so clearly and so blatantly that you will wind up getting your dicks slammed in the drawer. Hard.
So sure, go ahead and crow about your upcoming takeovers of the House and Senate, start measuring those curtains and planning to move in your office furniture, but when on November 3rd, after all the dust has cleared, you find out that you are still in the minority, maybe then you will finally figure out that you can't treat the electorate as a bunch of un-educated semi-literate morons that can be manipulated by slick ad campaigns full of lies and bullshit, and that you might actually need to come up with an economic platform that helps people, rather then corporations.
Wait, what? Yeah, I know, no fucking way, right? I'll have a three-way with Salma Hayek and Cindy Crawford before that ever happens.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Want to really piss off a Tea-Bagger? Show them this graph...(you might have to explain it to them though it has numbers and shit)..
If the numbers still confuse them use the verbal version and watch their tiny little heads explode...
More private sector jobs have been created in the last 8 months under the Obama administration than in the last EIGHT YEARS under bush....
Suck on that you teabagging weenies!!!
Top Gear finally reaches the big time...
Attention all Yanks...if you still don't know what Top Gear is, the show is being featured on 60 Minutes this sunday...I know that a show broadcast on BBC America might scare you because they speak proper English and use proper grammar and the like, but on Top Gear they speak horsepower and fun almost exclusively...So if you can stand to rip yourselves away from "Who wants to win a million dances with the stars on survivor amazing race american idol real housewives of Podunk shores" for a few minutes, you might find another show to watch...
If however, like most Americans who have the attention span of a crack-whore in a time-machine, you have already become bored with this post and buggered off, thanks for your time, and enjoy the dreck you normally watch as your brains turn to porridge and your eyes rot in their sockets...
Hugs and kisses etc etc
If however, like most Americans who have the attention span of a crack-whore in a time-machine, you have already become bored with this post and buggered off, thanks for your time, and enjoy the dreck you normally watch as your brains turn to porridge and your eyes rot in their sockets...
Hugs and kisses etc etc
Shirley Sherrod vs. Juan Williams. Outrage disparity much?
So the right-wing media machine kicks in to high gear to defend the bigot, he had over 9 minutes on GMA this morning to give his "Bigot? Who me?" act a spin and it got me to thinking about Shirley Sherrod. Remember her? The Federal employee that was summarily fired for comments it turns out she didn't actually make. Strangely I don't remember her being given the same sort of free air-time to repudiate the blatant lies fashioned by Fuxx news contributor Brietbart when she got fired, but hey, it's not like the M$M is owned by republican-backing corporations or anything...
The media in this country make me ill.
The media in this country make me ill.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
...Christine O'Donnell out-stupids the Governor of Facebook...and the M$M lets her get away with it...again..
...I almost feel guilty writing this...it's sort of like making fun of the mentally challenged as they try their hand at logic, you know, like they do on 'Fox and Friends' every morning...I feel almost that guilty, but in the end I really don't...you see, Christine O'Donnell, (stop laughing that's not the punchline...well okay, yes she is a running joke that keeps getting funnier, but that's not the point) fresh from having been publicly schooled on what the First Amendment actually means in a debate held at a law school, thinks she actually won the debate and that the audience was laughing with her and not at her.
Now this proves to one and all, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that she is completely and totally out of her tiny, delusional, mind. Well, everyone that is, except the M$M. Unfortunately, even this outburst of insanity didn't stop those presstitutes from giving her lots and lots of free time to explain her backward-ass point of view...Whilst she was busy yapping away on the telly this morning, and being a bit of a cynic, I said to myself "I bet they won't even have her opponent on to rebut this"...well guess what, they actually did go to him for a "rebuttal"...well, almost...you see, when they actually cut to her Democratic opponent Chris Coons, for a 'rebuttal', they all of a sudden had "technical difficulties". This meant that there was no live video feed and instead all they could manage was a phone interview in which the co-host, George Suckedalotofballs, asked a series of "why do you hate rich people" and "when did you stop beating your wife" type of questions..
You know, it's getting to the point where I just don't want to switch the telly on in the morning anymore...we stopped watching the CBS morning show in our house because Harry "he's a decent guy" Smith and his simpering female colleague didn't even bother to hide their disdain of anyone with a (D) as their party affiliation. Plus, when they interviewed republicans (if by "interviewed" you mean 'gave them a public arena in which to spout their extremist views without threat of being contradicted') their gooey softballs questions were so light and fluffy that if they contained anything softer they would melt. So we switched to ABC (there was no way we were going to watch NBC as the hosts of their morning show make me physically ill) and initially things seemed marginally better, but as the political season began to pick up, so did the number of 'exclusive' interviews with republican political operatives, and the underlying memes of "President Obama is deeply unpopular" and the "Dems are going to get their asses kicked" started to get louder and louder..Nary a morning would go by without some angry white person being given free airtime to talk down and ridicule the President. These would be the very same people that would have called for the public hanging of any Democrat if they had dared to say anything remotely similar when bush was in office mind you, for daring to question the President "in a time of war". The fact that we are still "in a time of war" seems to have escaped both the republican reptiles being given free airtime, and their servile enablers in the media.
Still, one can only hope that after this religiously-insane, constitutionally-challenged dingbat gets her 'masturbation is a sin' arse handed to her on election day that she will once and for all disappear from the national airwaves...
Fat chance.
Now this proves to one and all, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that she is completely and totally out of her tiny, delusional, mind. Well, everyone that is, except the M$M. Unfortunately, even this outburst of insanity didn't stop those presstitutes from giving her lots and lots of free time to explain her backward-ass point of view...Whilst she was busy yapping away on the telly this morning, and being a bit of a cynic, I said to myself "I bet they won't even have her opponent on to rebut this"...well guess what, they actually did go to him for a "rebuttal"...well, almost...you see, when they actually cut to her Democratic opponent Chris Coons, for a 'rebuttal', they all of a sudden had "technical difficulties". This meant that there was no live video feed and instead all they could manage was a phone interview in which the co-host, George Suckedalotofballs, asked a series of "why do you hate rich people" and "when did you stop beating your wife" type of questions..
You know, it's getting to the point where I just don't want to switch the telly on in the morning anymore...we stopped watching the CBS morning show in our house because Harry "he's a decent guy" Smith and his simpering female colleague didn't even bother to hide their disdain of anyone with a (D) as their party affiliation. Plus, when they interviewed republicans (if by "interviewed" you mean 'gave them a public arena in which to spout their extremist views without threat of being contradicted') their gooey softballs questions were so light and fluffy that if they contained anything softer they would melt. So we switched to ABC (there was no way we were going to watch NBC as the hosts of their morning show make me physically ill) and initially things seemed marginally better, but as the political season began to pick up, so did the number of 'exclusive' interviews with republican political operatives, and the underlying memes of "President Obama is deeply unpopular" and the "Dems are going to get their asses kicked" started to get louder and louder..Nary a morning would go by without some angry white person being given free airtime to talk down and ridicule the President. These would be the very same people that would have called for the public hanging of any Democrat if they had dared to say anything remotely similar when bush was in office mind you, for daring to question the President "in a time of war". The fact that we are still "in a time of war" seems to have escaped both the republican reptiles being given free airtime, and their servile enablers in the media.
Still, one can only hope that after this religiously-insane, constitutionally-challenged dingbat gets her 'masturbation is a sin' arse handed to her on election day that she will once and for all disappear from the national airwaves...
Fat chance.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
...and speaking of stupid...the Quitter from Wasilla endorses the wrong candidate in the wrong state...
...I know that calling her stupid is an insult to stupid people, but really, she couldn't even get the state right?
That's a new kind of dumb for the Governor of Facebook-land, you betcha, also...
That's a new kind of dumb for the Governor of Facebook-land, you betcha, also...
You might be in trouble as a candidate if you don't know what the Constitution says...or why Christine O'Donnell needs to quit while she's behind..
One of the basic elements of being a United States Senator is that you are there to protect and defend the Constitution. It's even in the oath you take when you get sworn in. But apparently the running joke that is the republican Senatorial candidate from Delaware, doesn't even know what the 1st amendment says.
The FIRST amendment. The very first one. Not an obscure one like the 11th or the 23rd amendment, but the one that sits there, staring at you, right out of the constitutional starting gate.
Now there have been alot of jokes made at the expense of this empty-headed, talking-point-spewing parrot, and some have been a bit cruel (to which I say tough shit, you can try and stop me from having a wank when you pull my dick from my cold, dead hands) but almost all of them have been done using her own words against her. I think that's just fair play. If you say something stupid, someone someday will find it and spread it far and wide on the interwebs. That is especially true if you have made a career of saying some spectacularly fucking stupid things on television, so when they come back to bite you on the arse you have to accept that fact and try and limit the damage. They may make you look a little naive, maybe even a little bit dense, but you can always say that this was from the past and hey, hasn't everyone at least once dabbled in witchcraft and had sex on an altar? But when you don't even know that the 1st amendment establishes the separation of Church and State in clear, unequivocal language, you have transcended the arena of good old-fashioned ignorance and entered the realm of the monumentally fucking stupid. Let me put it this way, even I know what the 1st amendment says and I was born in another country!
All of this leads me to the one question that all voters in Delaware need to take into the voting booths in two weeks time. If she doesn't know what the Constitution says, how can she possibly take an oath to defend it?
The FIRST amendment. The very first one. Not an obscure one like the 11th or the 23rd amendment, but the one that sits there, staring at you, right out of the constitutional starting gate.
Now there have been alot of jokes made at the expense of this empty-headed, talking-point-spewing parrot, and some have been a bit cruel (to which I say tough shit, you can try and stop me from having a wank when you pull my dick from my cold, dead hands) but almost all of them have been done using her own words against her. I think that's just fair play. If you say something stupid, someone someday will find it and spread it far and wide on the interwebs. That is especially true if you have made a career of saying some spectacularly fucking stupid things on television, so when they come back to bite you on the arse you have to accept that fact and try and limit the damage. They may make you look a little naive, maybe even a little bit dense, but you can always say that this was from the past and hey, hasn't everyone at least once dabbled in witchcraft and had sex on an altar? But when you don't even know that the 1st amendment establishes the separation of Church and State in clear, unequivocal language, you have transcended the arena of good old-fashioned ignorance and entered the realm of the monumentally fucking stupid. Let me put it this way, even I know what the 1st amendment says and I was born in another country!
All of this leads me to the one question that all voters in Delaware need to take into the voting booths in two weeks time. If she doesn't know what the Constitution says, how can she possibly take an oath to defend it?
Grumpy old men or why John McCain should just stick to yelling at kids on his lawn..
Bitter old white man John McCain lashed out at California Senator Barbara Boxer at a campaign rally for Carly Fiorina, her HP Golden-Parachute-Winning opponent, this weekend. Based on what he said about Sen Boxer he must feel pretty confident that the former CEO of Hewlett Packard, who almost single-handledly destroyed her former company whilst outsourcing thousands of employees and who was finally fired because she didn't know what she was doing, will win, because if (when) Barbara Boxer wins this election (as current polls indicate she will) I wouldn't be at all surprised if she kicked this wrinkled old git squarely in the pills.
There's politics, there's dirty politics and then there's what you did Senator McCain. Any shred of respect many people had for you instantly evaporated when you chose Caribou Barbie as your running mate in the ass-kicking that was the 2008 Presidential election, but I would have to think that no-one was any left for you now after this latest senile outburst of partisan hatred and bile.
Senator McCain, take a look behind you, there is the line.
There's politics, there's dirty politics and then there's what you did Senator McCain. Any shred of respect many people had for you instantly evaporated when you chose Caribou Barbie as your running mate in the ass-kicking that was the 2008 Presidential election, but I would have to think that no-one was any left for you now after this latest senile outburst of partisan hatred and bile.
Senator McCain, take a look behind you, there is the line.
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