One of the basic elements of being a United States Senator is that you are there to protect and defend the Constitution. It's even in the oath you take when you get sworn in. But apparently the running joke that is the republican Senatorial candidate from Delaware, doesn't even know what the 1st amendment says.
The FIRST amendment. The very first one. Not an obscure one like the 11th or the 23rd amendment, but the one that sits there, staring at you, right out of the constitutional starting gate.
Now there have been alot of jokes made at the expense of this empty-headed, talking-point-spewing parrot, and some have been a bit cruel (to which I say tough shit, you can try and stop me from having a wank when you pull my dick from my cold, dead hands) but almost all of them have been done using her own words against her. I think that's just fair play. If you say something stupid, someone someday will find it and spread it far and wide on the interwebs. That is especially true if you have made a career of saying some spectacularly fucking stupid things on television, so when they come back to bite you on the arse you have to accept that fact and try and limit the damage. They may make you look a little naive, maybe even a little bit dense, but you can always say that this was from the past and hey, hasn't everyone at least once dabbled in witchcraft and had sex on an altar? But when you don't even know that the 1st amendment establishes the separation of Church and State in clear, unequivocal language, you have transcended the arena of good old-fashioned ignorance and entered the realm of the monumentally fucking stupid. Let me put it this way, even I know what the 1st amendment says and I was born in another country!
All of this leads me to the one question that all voters in Delaware need to take into the voting booths in two weeks time. If she doesn't know what the Constitution says, how can she possibly take an oath to defend it?
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