Thursday, March 31, 2011

Who could have seen this coming?...Congressional Tebaggers turn out to be raging hypocrites...

In a shocking turn of events that no-one could have possibly foreseen, it has come to light that a group of the rabid right-wing Teahadists that rode into office last November screeching about slashing the Federal Budget, and cutting off free Federal handouts, are themselves recipients of free Federal handouts in the form of farm subsidies.

How much free money have these free-loading, lying-through-their-teeth, sonofabitch, hypocritical asswipes received over the years? Try more than $12 million since 1995.

If you are a Teabagger, or know someone that might be a Teabagger, please show them this story, and then bitch-slap them until they wake up and smell the coffee. I know it may well break some of their blackened little hearts, but they need to know that they have been royally screwed over.

Something else struck me about the timing of this story though. If you were a bit of a cynic (like me) you might wonder why this story is coming out now instead of before the elections, you know, when it would have helped the Democrats. A cynical person might suggest that this story (along with others focusing on the slipping approval ratings for the Teahadist-wing of the Rich White Man's party), seem to strangely coincide with the increasingly desperate attempts by Sir John of Orange, to not become the second republican Speaker of the House to cause the Gubmint to shut down.

A cynic might further think that by puffing up the Teanuts during the election campaign, and treating them as though they were a real political force, rather than the bunch of knuckle-dragging racists they really are, the M$M served the overall goal of their corporate owners of insuring a republican majority in the House. The problem for the gop was that once the Teanuts got to D.C. they carried on with their (unabashedly hypocritical as it turns out) calls for massive spending cuts and they threatened to stamp their feet and hold their breath long enough to shut down the Gubmint if they didn't get their way.

This of course would cause a HUGE problem for the Rich White Man's party. They've tried that routine once before and it didn't work out so well for them then either, so how could the leadership of the republican party get the useful idiots on the extreme right to toe the line now that they had served their purpose? The solution to the problem turns out to be relatively simple. Just have the lapdogs in the M$M start to reveal the truth about the screaming simpletons that got elected, and force them to sit down, shut up, and do as they're told before more truth 'accidentally' slips out.

We shall see if this ploy works, but the one thing I know for sure is that if Speaker Boner et al are stupid enough to shut the government down next week, effectively shutting off millions of people from receiving their government checks whilst still receiving their own, the electoral blood bath in 2012 could be immense.

Stay tuned...

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