A texass congessman want off-script recently and admitted that all of the women-hating legislation they've been busy introducing from coast to coast, rather than jobs bills which they said was their number one priority, IS in fact, a war on woman's reproductive rights. Whilst the accidental honesty is refreshing, it is quickly overcome by the fact that the smiling moron that issued it simply doesn't understand the depths of his party's hypocrisy. You see, there's another bunch of religious fundamentalists that like to control what women do...but we bomb them because they're evil, they worship the wrong imaginary sky-wizard, have brown-skins, and they supposedly hate us for our freedoms...
And that, in a nutshell, ladies and gentlemen, is today's GOP....a bunch of science-denying, faith-healing, creationist whack-jobs whose idea of getting government out of people's lives is by telling half of the population what they may, and may not do, with their own bodies....
Time for a drink I think....have a great weekend!
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