Friday, November 4, 2011

Hey Hollywood, I have an about you make a proper "reality show"?

You know, one that features some actual reality, not that silicon and botox-infused bullshit you force down our throats now, but proper "reality"...

How about you make a show featuring a family of four where both parents work two dead-end minimum-wage jobs with no health care and one week's vacation a year (spent at home on the couch because actually going anywhere costs too much fucking money), and both latch-key kids try and get good enough grades for scholarships because there's no fucking way on God's Green that their folks will ever be able to afford to send them to college on their own, and the family car is over 10-years old and they're still paying it off because they had to use it as collateral for a payday loan when one of the kids had to go to the emergency room, and the few credit cards they have are maxed out not because the parents are wasteful spenders but because the fucking credit card company keeps jacking up their interest rate, and they live in a shitty 2-bedroom apartment in a dodgy part of town because their house got foreclosed on by the bank that forgot to tell them when they re-financed that the interest rate they were getting for the first 12 months was just 'introductory' and would quadruple when it know the reality the rest of us know about?

How about it?

Nah, you're right....stick with the "Real housewives of (insert stuck-up over-priviliged neighbourhood here)" because it doesn't get more real than watching a bunch of cougars sitting around the marble-topped kitchen counter sipping Pinot Grigio and yapping about how they like to imagine that it's really Roberto the pool boy taking them doggy-style whenever their husbands decide to fuck them...

I forget, is America doomed because Hollywood is fucked in the head, or is it the other way around...??

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