Thursday, December 8, 2011

The republicans continue to up the hate...and the crazy...

I have tried to stay away from the republican crazy train that is their Presidential nomination process as much as possible. This is mainly because there isn't a day that goes by when I wouldn't be writing about some stupid/outrageous/ridiculous thing one of them had said, but yesterday was a day full of such lunacy and hatred that I simply cannot leave it untouched.

The first item was when their front-runner de jour, Newt Gingrich (a more apt name for a republican candidate I cannot think of, save maybe Louis Gommert or Judy Biggert - and yes those are real names of real republican politicians) said that he would nominate John Bolton as his Secretary of State upon taking office. This is the same John Bolton that was a key player in the build up to the Iraq war. You know, the one where his boss attacked the wrong country on the basis of known lies and utter fabrications in some Freudian/Oedipal attempt to one-up his old man. Bolton actually had to be recess-appointed by Bush Minor to be the ambassador to the U.N. because there was no way on god's green earth that he was ever going to get Congressional approval. He is also the same John Bolton that has said in the past that basically, diplomacy is for pussies, and that if the USA doesn't attack Iran, then we should make sure that Israel sure as hell does. Yeah, we need this guy as our Sec of State like we need David Duke appointed as the head of the President's Council on  Race Relations.

But the real kicker yesterday was Rick Perry unveiling a new tv ad specifically aimed at the knuckle-dragging invisible sky-wizard worshippers in Iowa. In this ad he expresses his total amazement that gays can serve openly in the military (because lord-only knows there ain't no way you can be a patriot if you're gay) at the same time that children can't pray in schools. There are two things wrong with that statement. One reveals that Rick Perry is utterly ignorant of the law of the land regarding school prayer (hey pRick, how about we promise not to teach evolution and science in your churches if you promise not to pray in our schools - deal?) and the other is that he is a complete and total, bare-faced, dyed-in-the-wool, homophobic bigot. BOTH make him unqualified for the position which he seeks.

It is no surprise that this is the most right-wing radical group of candidates seeking the republican nomination in history, but it is the depth of their brazen hatred that still takes my breath away. I am no fan of President Obama's performance or policies since taking office, in fact I think he has been pretty bloody dreadful - far too much compromise and not enough Samuel L. Jackson - but he is in another zip code entirely when it comes to his potential adversaries, 'cos those motherfuckers be crazy..

Obama/Biden 2012 - Who Else You Gonna Vote For?

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