Friday, January 22, 2010

"Mr Giuliani I have a call for you on line one..He said his name was Mr Irony"...or..why Mayor 9/11 is a fucking moron...

Rudy Giuliani was recently on the idiot box lithping and thpluttering away about the recent attempt by some mis-guided nutjob from Africa to set fire to his nads, and in the process destroy a plane en route to Detroit. The lithping reached a crescendo as Rudy "A noun, a verb and 9/11" Giuliani laid the blame squarely at President Obama's feet and then said in triumph, "Under George W. Bush we didn't have a single terrorist attack in his entire time in office, under Obama we've already had one."

I'll give you guys a few seconds to re-read that and let it sink in.

Rudy "the only reason anyone gives a fuck about who I am is because of 9/11" Giuliani went on national teevee and said that there were no terrorist attacks when George W. Bush was in office.


I'm still shaking my head is I write this. I am gob-smacked at the level of self-deceit required to utter those words convincingly to an inanimate object, never mind a national audience, and yet this giggling, self-important, hypocritical right-wing lapdog said those very words.

Rudy, the only reason we know who are is because of what happened that day. The only reason you haven't disappeared into the obscurity we so richly deserve is because of that day. The only reason anyone even remotely gives a shit about you, is because of that day.

And now you say it didn't happen.

Not just a terrorist attack on the US, but the single worst terrorist attack on the US occurred on Bush's watch, and yet somehow you forgot? Somehow that happened on what, a different day, a different plane of existence, a different reality?

I think I know why he may have difficulty remembering that day. He has to face some uncomfortable facts that lay at least some of the misery of that day at his feet. His refusal, after much pleading, to move the city's emergency response centre from the WTC to Queens because it was "too far", as well as his refusal to spend the money necessary to make sure that the emergency responders all had the same communications system so that they could talk to each other, are just two of the big ones. Maybe remembering how many people paid with their lives because of his selfish decisions has clouded his memory about that day.

Or maybe, it's more simple than that.

Maybe he's just another right-wing moron that won't take responsibility for a damn thing that happened on his watch but is more than willing to LIE through his teeth (real or not) in order to blame someone, anyone, else for his failures.

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