Friday, February 5, 2010

Super Duper Bowl MCMLXVXVII

Ah yes, the Superb Bowl is being played this weekend in Miami between two teams that no-one outside of their own cities really gives a shit about. The underdog team from New Orleans, after having finally dried out their stadium and sent their shelter-seeking temporary residents back to their own piles of sodden misery, was able to win enough games to make it to the Super-Dee-Dooper Bowl. This must be considered to actually make them the sentimental favourites, if for no other reason than the fact that their fair city is still in ruins and those of us with a conscience want to see them have something to celebrate, even if it is just winning some stupid sports trophy.

On the other hand Indianapolis have recently won the Monumentally-Awesome Bowl, their star quarterback is in every single commercial on teevee, and according to their owner they are God's favourite team.

That makes me want them to fail.


Now, fair disclosure is required at this point. I am a Chicago Bears fan, and the fact that the Dolts last won the Fucking-Fantastic Bowl at the expense of my beloved Bears may (or may not) influence the level of vitriole I aim at them. That being said, I have had a deep-seated dislike for the Dolts ever since their quarterback was annointed as the greatest to have ever played the game. As anyone with half a brain knows, Joe Montana was the greatest to have ever played the game, and the fact that Pay-Me-More Manning was given this accolade before he had even won a Massively-Brilliant Bowl really pissed me off. But what really annoys me is that Paid-Too-Much Manning seems like a nice guy. He obviously has a great sense of humour, you'd have to waking up and seeing that face staring back at you in the mirror every morning, but the commercials he has done for Mastercard are very funny indeed. And this makes me dislike him more.

I hate being this conflicted about a person.

On one hand he has achieved an awful lot on the field of play, and off the field he apparently sticks to doing his missus, and only his missus which makes him a good guy (and as mentioned in my most recent blog of about 20 minues ago, a rarity indeed), and yet....he plays for the God-bothering Dolts, a team whose owner I would pay good money to watch having it explained, in very small words on Judgement Day by The Man Himself, that He actually never even watched the stupid games, never mind actively root for one team over the other...

You see, I don't dislike him personally, I just despise the team he represents.

And so there you have it. A game between two teams that in the end I really don't care about, a lip-synched half-time show by a band that is most famous for being the lead-in music on all twelve of the various CSI teevee shows, and not much else. At least nothing really Super except, of course, for the commercials.

As a loyal teevee slave, I will dutifully watch at least part of the game this weekend, and do what most folks do on this occasion, and that is, wait for the commercials because they are actually what make the game Super.

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