Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A hearty 'Fuck You' to Senator Bunning of Kentucky...

...To those of you that don't know, the above-mentioned toothless cousin-fucker has decided to hold up approving the release of sufficient Federal funds needed to continue unemployment insurance for the millions of Americans still out of work courtesy of the shattered economy he helped create. When this crusty, angry, old white-man was criticised on the floor of the Senate by a Democratic Senator for his unconscionable stance his response was "Tough Shit". He has refused to answer reporters questions about why he is being such a colossal douchebag, other than on the floor of the Senate, where he states that the UI shouldn't be extended unless it can be paid for. In other words, this very same asshalf that had no problem whatsoever authorizing the plundering of the U.S. Treasury department with tax-gifts to the wealthy and spending a gazzillion dollars a month in Iraqnam, suddenly gets all 'fiscal-conservative' when it might benefit the lower classes. You know, the ones that used to mow this rich fucker's lawn, clean this rich fucker's houses, and used to do this rich fucker's laundry.

Not to be outdone Senator Kyl, the other crusty, angry, old white-man representing the state of Arizona (incredibly, Arizona has to suffer both Grandpa McLame and this Geritol-toker as their Senators) has come out and offered his opinion that unemployment insurance is actually a deterrent to those out of work to go and find a job. Yeah, that's right Senator Kyl, unemployment insurance payments are a wonderful substitute for a regular paycheck. They are so immensely huge that when I was out of work a decade ago I chose not to find another job for over a year because I was living so high on the hog...It wasn't the fact that there were no fucking jobs to be had, nope, according to this clueless imbecile, I chose not to work because the $600 I got every two weeks enabled me to get a finer grade of caviar to snack on, and a better brand of champagne to bathe in.

The fact that either one of these out-of-touch, miserly, gob-smackingly arrogant, angry, rich white-men is in any position of power is astounding. The fact that they each represent 50% of their respective state's voices in the Senate is an affront to the concept of representative democracy on a galactic scale.

But, as usual, I have a simple solution.

In the next election, let's help the voters in Kentucky and Arizona make this pair of modern-day Scrooge's unemployed themselves. And just for good measure, on the way out of their exclusive Senatorial club, strip them of their government (i.e. tax-payer funded) pensions and health insurance. Not because we're being vindictive, or mean in any way, but because we wouldn't want to discourage them from getting another job, now would we?

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