If one actually needed further proof that the republican party is beholden only to the rich and powerful and thinks that the poor and disadvantaged should just go fuck themselves, one need go no further than Arizona's other senile white git in the Senate, John Kyl.
This past sunday, on a television show on the Pravda network (you figure it out), with live cameras and microphones, in a studio, with really bright lights on, (and one bright red one, so he must have known it was being recorded), this tone-deaf fucker-over of the poor and recently born-again deficit hawk said (and I am 99% certain he wasn't drunk at the time and 100% certain he wasn't stoned) that congress should extend bush's tax-gifts to the rich, REGARDLESS OF THEIR IMPACT ON THE DEFICIT.
Now, in case you weren't aware, at a time when 10% of the U.S. workforce is unemployed, and Dog-Knows how many are under-employed, Senator Kyl and his disgusting bunch of morally-bankrupt fat-cat toadies in the Senate are still refusing to extend expiring unemployment benefits unless there are budget cuts elsewhere to offset the additional funds needed...but, this miserly bastard and his porcine pals agree, the rich should keep getting their tax-gifts, regardless of what it does to the budget or the deficit.
I would ordinarily be purple with rage at this sort of comment. I would ordinarily be ranting and raving about how this over-privileged rat-fuck sonofagoat wouldn't know the hardship being faced by the chronically unemployed if it came up and kicked him in the nads. I would ordinarily be screaming like a madman about just how fucked in the head he and all of his kind are. (In other words I would be getting ready to give myself a coronary). But instead of bursting blood vessels and steam issuing forth from my ear canals, I am stuck with another, completely different emotion.
I am gob-smacked. Well and truly gob-smacked.
Totally by accident, a republican has finally come clean and told us exactly what their party stands for. As plain as day. In simple, straight forward terms. When it comes to tax-gifts to the wealthy it's 'Fuck the deficit'...but when it comes to the poor they won't even get a stale crust unless the impact to the deficit is zero.
The GOP. The party of the rich, for the rich, by the rich.
Senator Kyl accidentally wrote every single Democrat's 2010 election ads for them. "Hi, I'm a republican, and unless you're rich, you are on your fucking own."
Oh, and I don't care how pissed you might be at the Democrats for caving to the bullies on the right all the damn time (and let me tell you I am mighty, MIGHTY pissed) and I don't care how mad you are that President Obama isn't as liberal or progressive as you hoped he would be (newsflash - he ain't) I know one thing for sure, neither one of them would have fucked you over as hard and as long as the republican party has done to it's toothless, white, male, race-baiting, homophobic base.
Seriously, if ANYONE votes for a republican candidate this fall that does not make at least $1,000,000 a year they need their fucking heads examined, and yes, stupid, broke, redneck Southern States, I am talking to you...
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