Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Apparently the gop has already won the mid-term elections...And I think this is a good thing..

Okay, hear me out...I haven't lost my mind or suffered a serious head injury this past weekend (although I did go to Wisconsin which some would consider more or less the same thing)..I think that the numerous polls lately (and we all know how reliable they can be) that show that the Dems will lose control of the House in November will actually fire up the typical "off-peak election" lethargic Democratic voter and get them to the voting booths this fall.

Whilst I realize that the presstitutes in the M$M are simply doing their masters' bidding with this bullshit, I think that it will unwittingly back-fire on them.

Their polls conveniently show that whilst Dems are unpopular, because you know, even though it took 8 years to completely fuck things up it should take much less time to clean it all up so folks are "frustrated", they forget to mention that the rethuglicans are even less popular.

Pushing the meme that Boner will be the next speaker of the House makes a splashy headline, and maybe sets up the battleground for a little election fraud, but in the end I think that the thought of that chain-smoking Oompa Loompa with the gavel in his hand will be sufficient to get the Dem voters to the polls in enough numbers to prevent the realization of those dire headlines..

Let me make this clear, I am no cheer-leader for this President or this Congress. I am less than enthused with the President's agenda, in fact I think he has been a spectacular failure in many areas, and I am even less happy about the apparent inability of his inner circle to understand what the phrase "mandate for change" meant. However he was given a truly shitty hand, and I think that he may finally be learning the lesson that the gop will never, EVER, cooperate with him evidenced by the fact that he is starting to beat them over their heads with their own obstructionism. Bearing that in mind, and with the horrifying alternative being obvious to anyone with an IQ higher than a petri dish, I think that even as the ass-clowns yip and yap endlessly on the idiot-box about how the GOP has already won the elections, it will be a leaner, meaner Democratic majority being returned to govern us after all the counting has been done this November, and that we may finally, at long last, see some real "change".

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