Monday, September 27, 2010

"This is not the change you are looking for"...or why Obi-ama gets his Star Wars impression wrong..

So, thrilled as I was that Senator Harry 'Dickless' Reid pulled the chicken-switch yet again and decided NOT to make the republicans filibuster for the continuation of their corporate owners tax gifts, I thought that this week might be a bit better for the Dems. After all, Obama is hitting the campaign trail, where, contrary to the lies from the official gop press outlet Fukked Noizze, he is being greeted with large audiences, riotous applause and much cheering. Likewise, Bill Clinton has put his latest intern to the side and gone on the road to talk up the Dems as well.

Sounds good right? Bringing out the big Democratic guns just as the M$M  presstitutes have to grudglingly report that the polls they've been squawking about for weeks predicting wide-spread slaughter and destruction for the Dems, now actually show that things are not quite as dire as originally reported, seems like a good idea.

Well it was until this little civil liberties-shattering piece of news came out.

Look, I knew that the Prez wasn't a true liberal, not by any stretch of the imagination. I knew that he was a centrist that had grand visions that he could construct a working government with both parties involved in the decisions being made (I also knew he was pissing in the wind because if there's one thing the republicans hate more than a Democrat, it's a Democrat in the Whitehouse). So when he doesn't propose legislation that will outlaw the gop and ban Faux News from the airwaves I am not totally surprised. But when he proposes legislation that even his dumb-as-a-rock predecessor's puppet-master didn't dare dream about, I have to admit that I get a little annoyed. Well, okay, more than a little.

Not only will this new legislation not make us any safer from a 'National Security' standpoint, it will actually have the opposite effect for every single person with a computer and an internet connection. If the Internet companies have to provide the government with instructions on how to un-encrypt our private communications, don't you think that hackers will do the same only quicker and more efficiently? We are supposed to be trying to make it MORE difficult for the hackers to gain access to our computers and personal information, not the other way around. Never mind the fact that there is no mention of how these taps will be applied, what the standard of proof is in order to secure this data, and whether warrants will even be necessary before the internet companies simply hand over our cyber-lives on a silver platter to the government. And what happens if your information is requested but is later found out to have been a mistake? Most likely the companies involved will have their immunity from civil or criminal prosecution written into this law ahead of time, you know, to save the politicians the embarassment of having to vote for the shredding of our rights separately as they had to with the phone companies. Got to take care of the corporations don't you know.

So, is an Obama Presidency better than the alternative we were given? Yes, by a factor of many trillions, but the truth is that as much as the republicans like to paint him as a dangerous out-of-control socialist, judging by his actions, and the legislation he has proposed, unfortunately that couldn't be further from the truth.

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