Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Rep. Peter King thinks that Wikileaks are terrorists..but the IRA apparently aren't...

Rep Peter King (R- Complete Asshole) is a well-known tough-talking knowitall bullshit artist that likes to trash Democrats and other like-minded people that don't agree with his "kill them all - let God sort it out" type of rhetoric. He went completely around the bend after 9-11 and his sanity (if that's what you can call it) has never been seen since. He has said some of the most amazingly bigotted things about the Muslim community in the US, including suggesting that Muslim-Americans aren't "real" Americans at all. But now his new target is Wikileaks.

He has suggested that the New York Times be tried for treason for publishing some of the material, and that Julian Assange should be tried as a terrorist because Wikileaks amounted to support for terrorists. If that were the case Mr. Assange would be quite right to suggest that as far as going to jail for supporting terrorists is concerned, perhaps Rep. King should go first. You see, Peter King actually HAS supported terrorists, only they were white, and it was politically beneficial in his district to do so. Their official name is the IRA.

It has always rubbed me the wrong way that Americans felt that supporting the IRA was okay, but supporting another group, say Hamas, was not. They are BOTH terrorist organisations, and just because one comes from a land that is much mythologized and revered for it's dodgy food, it's fairly decent beer and it's sorrowful history, whilst the other exists in a desolate hole in the Middle East, doesn't excuse those that give support to either of them. And this goes doubly for someone that loudly shouts and accuses one, but not the other, of being sub-human animals that need to be exterminated. The fact that he knows that he has given material support to one group of terrorists (a violation of federal law) whilst villifying another group merely goes to show you that he is indeed, completely full of shit.

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