Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Sarah 'Don't retreat, reload' Palin issues statement re: AZ shooting..apparently SHE is the victim...

It took her four days to get all of her ghost-writers together and try to get the right words from Google all untangled, but finally today the Quitter from Wasilla issued a statement (if by 'statement' you mean self-serving video message on Facebook) that slammed the media for trying to point some of the blame of the Arizona shootings towards her fiery campaign rhetoric. This meant that she neatly avoided having to answer any uncomfortable questions in person like "if you didn't have anything to be be concerned about, why did you scrub your website of the gunsight imagery right after the shooting?"

Anxious not to fan the flames of anger by using insensitive or inciteful rhetoric she accused her critics of starting a blood libel. Oopsie! So much for that idea. You see, a blood libel actually refers to the false accusation that Jews used the blood of children in religious rituals and has been used as one of the reasons for anti-semitic violence for many, many centuries. Apparently her "fact-checkers" thought it meant something else. You want to know what else her "fact-checkers" missed? Congress-woman Giffords is Jewish.

Way to go Sarah. You not only look like a complete idiot for trying to walk away from your own violent speechifying that is out there in the public domain for everyone to research (you know, on the internets you betcha, also) but you have managed to further insult the primary target of this attack while she fights for her life in a hospital bed. Nice one.

Sarah, your 15 minutes of fame are rapidly coming to a close (so sorry that your six-part infomercial on TLC got cancelled, but I'm sure the wildlife in Alaska will breathe a sigh of relief now that you'll stop parading around the countryside with a rifle and a camera crew pretending that you're an outdoorswoman), and for that we are all eternally grateful, but the real tragedy is that it took the deaths of six innocent people at the hands of a deeply disturbed nutjob to bring your political career to an end. From the moment you were plucked out of obscurity and thrust onto the national stage by possibly the most short-sighted old geezer in history, you have done nothing but poison the political sphere with your bile and spite. You did all of this whilst at the same time enriching yourself beyond the wildest dreams of a third-placed beauty queen from Wasilla. In other words you are the prototypical republican. But now, that is over. Try as you might you will not be able to run away from this tragedy or your "lock and load" rhetoric, and it will be fun to watch your expression when you suddenly realize that it isn't the "lame-stream media" or the "liberal elites" tearing you apart, but members of your own party.

Karma's a bitch. You betcha!

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