Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Harry Reid proves that stupidity infects both parties in D.C....or "the Ho's have got to go"...

With two wars still going on costing us countless lives and mountains of treasure, with Union-Busting going on in Wisconsin, Indiana and now Ohio, with open revolt in Libya, the collapse of the US-puppet regime in Egypt, massive earthquakes in New Zealand and Justin Beiber getting a new hairstyle, with all of these monumentally important things going on in the world,  Harry Reid of Nevada, the Democratic Senate Majority leader, has decided to focus his attention on the most pressing issue he could find, banning prostitution and brothels in his home state.

Um, Harry, I'm not sure where you've been this last couple of weeks, but getting all Mormony-LDS on us about hookers and pimps in Vegas ain't really on top of anyone's pile right now.

I have no idea why this idea struck Harry as the most important issue to focus on right now, maybe he figured he'd take a leaf out of the republican book and focus on Old Testament issues, rather than the stuff confronting everyday Americans. But that only makes him look even more out of touch and let's face it, Dear Old Harry hasn't been the greatest Democratic leader in the Senate if the truth be told. In fact the only guy more timid than Harry when it came to wielding his majority with any authority is the dude in the Whitehouse. You see Harry, like Obama, hasn't found many pieces of legislation he isn't willing to cave in on at the vaguest of threats from his counter-parts on the right, even on issues where he was on the right side of history. You know things like restoring the 4th amendment, real healthcare reform, taxing the rich back to the stone age (or at least back to the rates they were paying under Saint Ronnie Raygun), in other words hot button Democratic issues that he should have been able to pass at a stroll with the 60 seats he had under his control. But rather than bludgeon the republican minority into submission, he allowed them to dictate to him how things would go, and amazingly he went along with them. Which is why I find it so surprising that he wants to focus so passionately on the one thing that a large majority of males, regardless of party, think is just fine the way it is. Harry has decided to mess with the one issue that knows no party affiliation, no barriers or pre-qualifications, the access to pussy-on-demand. A dumber move I cannot imagine.

Let me be clear, I think that these ladies could be better off earning a living doing just about anything else, but you have to work with what the good Lord gave you, and if that just happens to be a bodacious body then what the hell, at least do it legally, and safely. This is actually an example of government regulation of an industry getting it right by protecting both the employees and their customers properly. A true win-win. The ladies have employee rights and benefits, and they can ply their craft in comfort and safety, and the customers don't have to worry about back alley pimps or nasty-ass hoes with no teeth and a buttload of tat's....So why Harry wants to fix something that isn't broken is beyond me.

Besides which, if he really wanted to get serious about cleaning up prostitution, he'd be better off focusing on the whores in D.C.and their K-Street THAT would be newsworthy...

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