Wednesday, February 2, 2011

'Mommy, why do the republicans hate working people?' 'I dunno son, maybe because they're all bastards?'

Attn: Mr republican voter, what I am about to tell you had better make you sit up and pay attention. Not satisfied with trying to alienate every single woman in the country by trying to redefine the definition of rape (please see this post for more on that little nugget of love), this is what YOUR representatives are trying to do behind your back as well. They are actively trying to find ways for States and Municipalities to declare bankruptcy, get out of debt, and screw the common man all in one shot. You might not be aware of this, but most of the debt piling up for State and Municipal Governments is in the unfunded or under-funded pension plans that were set up under contracts entered into, and agreed upon in good faith, between Government and employee. Now these governments are looking for a legal way to keep from having to honour those contracts and fully fund those pension plans.

In other words, you think that just because you worked for the gummint for 30 years your pension is guaranteed? Think again. Think that just because you are already retired your pension is safe? Think again. And whilst you try and wrap your head around that news, make sure you remind yourself that yes, these are the very same bastards that a) bailed out the "too big to fail" banks with OUR taxpayer dollars even though THEY are the ones that drove the economy straight off the cliff, and b) made it harder for the common folk to get out-from-under in personal bankruptcy filings by changing the rules in favour of the banks and credit card companies. Clear on that? Personal bankruptcy = Make it harder, Government Bankruptcy = Let's see what we can do to make it easier.

So, do me a favour Mr republican voter, the next time some slick political ad comes on the telly and a republican politician talks about how the President is really a secret commie/nazi/socialist/muslim that was born in Kenya and he wants to take away your guns and force you to get health care and force pregnant women to have abortions and he doesn't even love the Baby Jesus....just remember this story. And remember this Mr. republican voter, they are saying things like that about the President specifically, or Democrats in general because they know it pushes your buttons. Regardless of your personal financial well-being, or how much free health care would actually benefit you, or how environmental regulations actually do keep your water clean and your food safe, they know that all of that will fly out of the window if they mention God, Guns or Gays. (That's why pundits and politicos call these issues "red meat"). The republicans know you love it, and they know you can't help but fall for it. Every.Single.Time.

One day Mr. republican voter I hope that the smoke will clear and you will finally see what you are actually getting everytime you send these hypocritical asswipes back to congress.

Bottom line Mr. republican voter is this, they may say they are on 'your side', but they aren't. They may say they love the 'little guy', but they don't. You are being lied to, and it is time for you to snap out of it and stop buying their bullshit because ALL of us wind up getting royally screwed.

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