I have refrained from commenting about the lastest flavour-of-the-month candidate in the ongoing, slow-motion train-wreck that is the gop presidential nomination process up to this point, but his latest utterance is just too much to pass up.
But before we go there, a quick re-cap of the race so far:
The gop has already fallen in and out of love with Rick Perry, the one guy in Texass that made Dumbya appear erudite and spohisticated (apparently your Pastor can insult Mormons, but Catholics are off-limits). They never got to fall in love with Chris Christie (he was too busy ordering a couple of pies and a bucket of ravioli from the local pizzeria), and whilst the other religious fanatics still in the race, Frothy Mix and Batshit Crazy-Lady desperately try and hang on, the inevitable candidate, Mitt Romney, stands there with not much else to do but smile and wave. Mittens is sort of like the prom date your parents picked out for you, he shows up on the porch, corsage in his hand, waiting for you to face up to the reality that like it or not, he is going to be the one that takes you to the dance. And just like that un-ruly teenage daughter, the fickle gop-voter has decided to thumb their nose once more, and run off with Herman Cain instead.
This self-loathing multi-millionaire black man, who in an alternate universe would probably try and lynch himself if he could, has suggested building an electric fence around the entire US border, posited that Sharia law is going to break out across America unless he gets elected, and that the poor and un-employed have only themselves to blame and not the greedy motherfuckers on Wall Street and their paid accomplices in D.C. Herman has a habit of saying some really stupid things. In fact most of what comes out of his mouth is either totally ridiculous, entirely-made-up or just complete bullshit, but he has now plumbed the depths of the most stone-fuckingly stupid things to say out loud, by suggesting that Jesus Christ was the perfect Conservative who was sentenced to death by a Liberal court.
Now whether you believe in those 2000 year-old fables or not, the one thing that can be wholly agreed upon is that in today's America (most especially in the South) Jesus Christ would be considered a screaming, bleeding-heart, dyed-in-the-wool, San Francisco-loving, hippy-dirtbag-liberal, who is in dire need of some soap and quite probably a couple of hundred sessions on the waterboard as well. The other thing that can be agreed upon is that the folks that ordered him to be put to death were anything other than Liberal.
This one statement alone proves that Cain is utterly un-qualified to hold the office he is running for, and also makes him quite possibly the most stupid person alive.
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