As this very interesting article points out Sellafield could very well wind up being just as bad as Chernoybl in the long run. You see, when mankind was busy playing with its' new toy, you know, blowing pacific atolls to tiny pieces without bothering to remove the local inhabitants, it did what any small child would do on any christmas morning, and just rip through the wrapping paper, tearing open the boxes without worrying about having to clean up afterwards. Well now it's time to clean up and it looks as though it is going to be bloody expensive, and bloody dangerous.
As the proof of global warming becomes more and more obvious, massive ozone holes now opening over the Arctic, mass tree die-offs around the world, the rush to find cleaner fuel is (pardon the phrase) really starting to heat up. But rather than focus on non-lethal methods of powering the planet, mankind is focusing its' attention on something even more deadly to the planet than fossil fuels, and that is more nukes. This is the grand-daddy of bad ideas. It is the ultimate example of jumping out of the frying pan into the fire. As more and more fossil fuel gets burned and returned to the atmosphere the planet (and it's residents) slowly gets closer and closer to the end of life as we know it. If you build hundreds of nuclear power plants as the solution, and they go bang, you can end life as you know it on this planet almost immediately. Yay efficiency!
However, if you used wind, solar and tidal energy for the grid, and heavily invested in converting cars to hydrogen power which would emit not much more than water out of the exhaust, you could really make a difference in improving the planet's health and create millions of new jobs at the same time. Holy shit, what a concept!! And that of course is exactly why politicians on the right, regardless of country, are 100% against it. There's no-one
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