Tuesday, February 7, 2012

There's stupid, there's dumb, and then there's this broad....

Dana Perino, pResident George Dumbya Bush's former public relations peroxide-pixie, was on the Faux "news" channel yesterday bitching about the Madonna half-time show at the Super-Dee-Duper Bowl, particularly the middle-finger displayed by MIA during that 'mutton-dressed-as-lamb' lip-synched dance session. Dana was all flustered because MIA wasn't "even an American" and why would any non-American be performing at the Super-Dee-Duper Bowl in the first place? Skipping over the fact that the finger-flip was on the air for even less time than Janet Jackson's nipple-slip, which for no apparent reason caused White America to lose its goddamned mind, is she really suggesting that it would be alright for an American to flip off the teevee audience? I don't think so.

Nope, I think this has bugger all to do with the country the performer is from, and everything to do with the skin colour of the performer....

Or does this mental midget really think that other previous half-time performers like The Who, Sting, The Rolling Stones, U2, Phil Collins and Paul McCartney are actually Americans too?

1 comment:

  1. Probably, after all they "Look like" Americans.
