Friday, February 10, 2012

What "liberal" media?

CNN got caught being two-faced right-wing enablers this week when they suspended Roland Martin, one of their 'liberal' commentators for something he tweeted about during the Super-bowel ad-fest. Specifically something that was construed by many to be homophobic about the David Beckham underwear ads.

Why is that two-faced you might ask?

Simple, when Tea-bagger Dana Loesch said that the Marines that were being charged for pissing on the bodies of some dead Taliban fighters should have been rewarded instead, and that if she'd been there she'd have done it too , CNN not only didn't suspend her, they defended her...'CNN contributors are commentators who express a wide range of viewpoints - on and off of CNN - that often provoke strong agreement or disagreement. Their viewpoints are their own."

Now, call me old fashioned, but if that statement was really true, shouldn't BOTH commentators have been treated the same way?

"Liberal media" my arse....

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