Monday, October 19, 2009

"Ballon-Boy" was a hoax...No, Really?

After having been forced to watch the "drama" of a mylar balloon floating through the Colorado sky that might (or might not) have contained a small child in it, we now know that it was all manufactured bullshit from start to finish.

The parents (who appeared on a teevee show in the States called 'Wife Swap', and no, it was not the good kind of swapping) were all over the press within seconds of the over-sized silver condom having returned to the welcoming bosom of Mother Earth. That was clue number one that something was amiss. Clue number two was the way the wife just sat there meekly blinking at the cameras as her husband kept on yapping away. Clue number three was the fact that the husband just looks like a weirdo...and clue number four was when the small child that might (or might not) have been in the balloon, comprehensively and quite entertainingly, yarked all over his siblings on national telly the following morning...

Apparently there may be criminal charges in the family's future (hopefully if for nothing else than the father's hairdo which would make even Don King blanch) for 'masterminding' this hoax. Personally I think that would be a little harsh given the circumstances, just make the family pay for the emergency services' grand day out, and then attach the father's genitals to a similar balloon and release him into the atmosphere for the Air Force to use as target practice.

That seems about the right level of punishment for forcing the entire country to watch the wall-to-wall coverage of this bullshit on every single news network (and fox) for what seemed like an eternity last week.

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