Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Grandpa gets some wood..

Is it just me or is anyone else sick to death of the 'erectile dysfunction' ads that permeate the airwaves 24/7 nowadays?

Those little blue pills may claim to be 'wonder' drugs, but wouldn't cures for other diseases, like, oh, I don't know, cancer or aids be equally as 'wonderful'? In fact, wouldn't eradicating any number of serious diseases be exponentially much more 'wonderful' than giving Grandpa some wood? Seriously, what were the priorities when Big Pharma was working out what to focus on next? Was it boiled down to just two choices, keep people alive, or keep people shagging?

Don't get me wrong, I realize that enabling the septuagenarian set to get jiggy with it has it's up side, after all it keeps a fair number of them off the road, resulting in a significantly reduced number of white-wall tyred 1970 Buick LeSabres to dodge as they wander aimlessly between lanes on the expressway with their left-turn signals permanently blinking, but for Heaven's sake, won't someone think of the rest of us? Just think of the awful visuals it conjures up.

It used to be that the glint in Grandpa's eye as he looked at Grandma at the other end of the dinner table was, "I'm gonna have a double helping of ice cream tonight and there's not a damned thing you can do about it you old goat" it means, "if only the family knew what we did on this table right before they showed up today.."

The fact that Grandma just giggles nervously and blushes only makes it worse...

Makes you throw up a little bit in your mouth doesn't it?

Plus, you know things are horribly wrong with the world when it turns out that it was Grandma that ordered the Victoria's Secret catalogue, not Grandpa.

Look, I am all in favour of more folks making love, not war, but Mother Nature slows the whole shagging mechanisms down for a reason. If you've done it right, you already have kids that have grown up, and if you got knocked-up past your 60th birthday, who would raise the resultant offspring? See? Mother Nature is smart that way...But nooooooooooo...Big Pharma decided all by itself to make it possible for the post-mature crowd to bump uglies well past the "Best if used by" date, and the rest of us now have to suffer through these damned ads on the idiot-box at all hours of the day.

I just have one question though, will someone explain to me how bathing in separate tubs in the great outdoors is supposed to make you horny?

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