Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Why don't Texans know how to ski?

Answer: Because God didn't make bullshit white.

That has now apparently changed.

No, the Good Lord hasn't descended upon the Lone Star State and, with a wave of His hand, turned the volumnious amount of the aforementioned bovine defecation strewn all over the place by the populace, into an Alpine Paradise. What has happened though, is that someone, or a group of someones, has come up with the brilliant idea of building an indoor ski-slope in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area.

Now, as someone that spent a lifetime in Dallas one month, I can tell you that if the heat don't git ya, the humididdy will...So it was with a fair amount of incredulity and a not minute amount of mirth that I read the story of this indoor ski-slope idea. They have figured out that making snow, even indoors, is a non-starter, so they will be using small plastic white chips instead. As a non-skier myself, I cannot speak as to whether this will be an acceptable or even realistic substitute, but what I can tell you is that I am greatly looking forward to the spectacle of a bunch of tobacco-chewing, 10-gallon hat wearing cow-pokes on skis, flying down a man-made mountain in the middle of Texas.


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