Not satisfied with fucking over the poor and the uninsured with his threat to filibuster the 'Public Option' at the bidding of his owners...sorry 'campaign donors'...Holy Joe has now decided that he will also filibuster the plan to lower the eligibility age for Medicare, the Government-run healthcare plan the right-wing in this country still hasn't realized is run by, well, you know the Government, from 65 to 55.
What this means is that he has managed to piss off the poor, the un-insured, and folks between the age of 55 and 65. With the exception of the poor, the other two groups usually tend to vote in large numbers when it comes time to pick between the various bullshit artists running for political office every couple of years, and if recent polling data is to be believed this stance may finally do for Joe Lieberman what Harry Reid won't, and that is, kick his ass out of power.
President Obama won in a tidal wive of "hope" and "change" last year. The man had some very big plans, but somehow they have been bogged down, diverted or diluted by an opposition party that is on the verge of splintering into tiny pieces as they try and decide which lunatic conspiracy theory they are going to voice next. Between the 'birthers', the 'tea-baggers' (I wish that those who proudly proclaim themselves to be such would bother to look up the definition of that phrase..the looks on their faces when it final dawns on them what they've been saying all this time would be priceless) and the followers of the rabid right-wing hate and fear-mongers on the radio and Fux Noizze, they have succesfully done what I thought Democrats were supposed to be famous for; organizing circular firing squads. And yet, despite all of the yelling and screaming at each other, they have also been very successful at derailing the mandate that was handed in a landslide to Barack Obama.
This either means that even as the republican party slowly disintegrates into becoming solely the party of white male Southerners, it can still be an effective opposition party, OR it means that the Democrats, whilst almost totally useless as the minority party, are in fact, completely fucking useless as the majority party.
The reality of the situation unfortunately suggests both are true.
Much though I hate the modern republican party, and I do, I have to give them grudging respect when it comes to party discipline. Whether it's authorizing wars against the wrong country, or saying, with collective straight faces, that tax breaks for the superwealthy will actually benefit the poor white folk that comprise their voting base, they do it all as a unit. The Democrats on the other hand couldn't arrange a piss-up in a brewery, even when they have the keys to the stockroom and a hand-written note from the owners saying "enjoy yourselves".
Those two facts notwithstanding, the republicans still didn't have enough by themselves to bog down Health Care Reform, they needed their ace-in-the-hole, the Senator from Aetna - Joe Lieberman, to be the large chunk of plaque to plug up the coagulated arteries of Senatorial legislation and drag everything to a screeching halt. Despite a so-called 'super-majority' in the Senate, an overwhelming majority in the House, and a Democrat behind the desk in the Oval Office, one, obstinate, petty, bitter and wrinkly-faced prostitute from CT has well and truly scuppered any chance at real healthcare reform in the US.
Saggy-Jowels had the chance to be the lynch-pin in passing major legislation that would permanently change the way people in this country get healthcare. He had a chance to be known as the man with the vote that got 45 million Americans health coverage that they would never have otherwise been able to get, but instead he decided to use that vote to prevent people from getting the care they desperately need, and once more, sold his vote to the highest bidder.
And THAT is why Joe Lieberman is a douchebag. Again.
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