If you took a look back at the last decade and were asked to give your honest opinion, I think if you were truly honest with yourself you'd have to say that it sucked. Hard. Sure there were things that happened in our own personal worlds that were all good and wonderful during that time frame, kids got born, kids graduated high school, kids went to college, yada, yada, yada, but outside of our own little existences I think you'd have to come to the conclusion that it was a pretty fucking awful ten years.
With a tidal wave of hope and enthusiasm after 8 years of a booming Clinton economy, and nary a war on the horizon, we entered the new millenium in a boozy haze of optimism and invincibility...
Then George W. Bush got selected by his father's mates on the Supreme Court and it all went to hell quicker than said cowboy boot-wearing moron could grunt 'Nukular' or 'Mission Accomplished'.
What followed next was eight excruciating years of tax gifts to the rich on the backs of the lower classes, a looting of the Treasury, a destruction of the rule of law (which had been very important when Clinton was in office but apparently less so when a republican is in office and actual crimes are being committed), the starting of two wars, one in completely the wrong country, the demise of the US's diplomatic standing in the world courtesy of the Connecticut Cowboy's creed of "you're either with us, or you're against us", and 24/7 saturation of waving computer-generated American flags on every single news station as they tried to outdo each other as to who was more patriotic than whom after the awful tragedy of September 11th, 2001.
Political discourse went straight into the shitter as well. It was now perfectly okay to state, as though it were fact, that your political opponent was in fact a traitor, or "un-American" if they were not in lock-step with the pronouncements coming from the Cheney, sorry, the Bush Whitehouse, whereas before, that sort of slanderous utterance would wind up with someone getting their ass sued, or their teeth kicked in, now it was de riguer on Fixed Noise, the Official Television Station of the Republican party.
"Liberal" became a dirty word, "Progressive" meant you were an unbathed hippy lesbian from San Francisco that cared more about the rights of the pigeons than the owners of the Mercedes Benz's they were copiously shitting on, and "Democrat" meant spineless, gutless, or more plainly, "completely fucking useless".
With a Democrat in the Whitehouse, and the Democrats "in control" of congress (although you could have fooled me most of the time this year) there may still be time to right some of the wrongs wrought by the porcine looters that were the previous occupants of the people's houses, but it will be a mighty hard battle, and one made less easy by the constant braying of the hate-mongers on the right that were so enabled during the Cheney years.
But let's push that boring political stuff aside for a moment and focus on the more important stuff, you know, like TeeVee entertainment, because as you will soon see, apparently that is what was more important in the 00's. It was a pretty dire decade for TeeVee entertainment from an educated person's standpoint. Unless you were willing to live on an island somewhere with 20 other yuppy larvae and fuck someone over for a million dollars, or eat cockroaches and boiled deer cock for fifty grand, or live in a fully-TV Camera-wired house somewhere in New York with obnoxious tattooed brain-dead wannabe pornstars, there wasn't an awful lot of talent on offer.
But what really, really sucked about the 00's was the rise of Simon Bloody Cowell. His Cheshire Cat smile simply drives me up the wall. His absolute and total bloody arrogance makes me wish to commit violence upon my beloved telly whenever his mugging visage appears, and the dreadful, pathetic and awful bunch of tone-deaf losers and posers that would crawl through a bog of rancid pig faeces to be first in line on one of his shows, make me want to stab out my eyes with a tuning fork. But I must admit that I do have to grudgingly admire him for at least one thing. Don't get me wrong, I am not going soft, he still sucks like a toothless Alabama truck-stop tart, but he does know his niche and he has exploited it to the nth degree with the inevitable consequence that he is now richer than most of Europe.
But the real reason he sucks so bad, and why the 00's sucked so utterly and completely, is because more people vote for the contestants on his fucking television shows than bother to vote in REAL elections.
Think about that for a second. I don't know about you, but that horrifies me.
I always suspected I was surrounded by empty-headed morons, but it REALLY sucks to have it proven beyond a doubt.
Oh well, maybe the next decade won't suck as bad...I sure hope so.
Happy New Year All!!!
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