Yeah, I know this week's MMM is late, but I have a good reason. Sort of. You see it was a three-day weekend here in 'Murkka, so I didn't have to don my shackles and trudge down the salt mine. So yesterday was kind of like a 'Second-Sunday', you know, like the 'Second Breakfast' the hobbits talk about in LOTR (sorry for the nerd reference, I realize I may have just accidentally outed myself).
Unfortunately that means today becomes 'Double-Monday'. The work doesn't evaporate simply because you're fortunate enough to get an extra day off, it is still there, plus all of Tuesday's work when you get back to the cube farm. Yay.
To make matters worse, right on cue for the three-day weekend, the weather was complete shit. Two of the three days were cold, overcast, rainy and miserable, just like a summer holiday in Wales, and the third day was so blisteringly hot that I didn't actually need to use the gas burners on the grill to cook the hotdogs and burgers.
As far as the Mutterings go I really don't have much for you. Sarah Palin made the news for some reason or other, something about a bus tour I think. Her female competitor from Minnesota, Michele Bachmann, announced she is definitely getting in the presidential race, instantly upping the Bat-Shit Crazy quotient from "mildly disturbed" to "mental"...stay tuned...the needle on that scale could go as high as "completely out of their tiny fucking minds" if Caribou Barbie enters the race.
In the sporting world an unemployed Brit won the Indy 500 as the poor bugger that was in the lead of the race managed to stuff his car into the wall within view of the chequered flag on the final lap...
In cricket, England shocked their Sri Lankan opponents as they managed to snatch an improbable innings and 14 run-victory from the jaws of a rain-delayed draw, in one of the most remarkable test matches I have ever watched. If you're American, just ignore that last sentence, it won't ever make sense to you...
And in football Barcelona travelled all the way to London to kick a team from Manchester repeatedly in the balls. Stunningly, and much to my dismay, the Manchester United manager was magnanimous and even gracious in defeat. I was hoping for some more world-class whingeing from the gum-chewing sourpuss, but alas it wasn't to be...
So all in all the weekend was an assortment of 'meh' with a sprinkling of 'whatever' other words, the perfect launch into the work week...
Have fun gang!
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Friday, May 27, 2011
Friday Follies: "The Ego has landed"
I usually like to try and find something a little more humourous for my Friday Follies edition. You know, something that induces a wry smile when read, perhaps even a small laugh as I highlight some deliciously hypocritical activity by a knuckle-dragging republican. But this week it is both funny and sad. Funny because it is about a person that has achieved so very little in her life, and yet through her eyes it has been an epic struggle of Herculean proportions (assuming she knew who Hercules was), and it is so very sad for the very same reasons.
You see, the Quitter from Wasilla, Sarah Palin, has had a movie made about her political career entitled "The Undefeated". Ya like that? "The Undeafeated". That requires Black Knight-levels of self-delusion (It's only a flesh wound!) Of course if the movie title actually related to the real world in anyway it would be a very short flick indeed (which, of course would be ideal for her supporters who have difficulty with anything more complex than Sponge Bob Squarepants). Back here in the real world, a more accurate title would be "Got my ass kicked so bad I Quit", but of course that would require the element of truth, and that is something that is rarely, if ever, a part of Snowzilla's lifestyle.
All of this, of course, is part of the build-up to the inevitable 'will she run or won't she' frenzy that is sure to be whipped up by the lapdog M$M, and still the number one reason I will forever hate Grandpa McLame for plucking her out of political obsurity and shoving her onto the national political stage, instead of leaving her in Buttfuck Alaska to mindlessly slaughter wolves instead...
But here's the real dilemma, part of me wants her to run, just to watch her get her head kicked-in repeatedly by other republicans (can you imagine the snark that will be unleashed in a Newt v. Mooselini v. Mittens could be EPIC!), but another part of me doesn't want her to run simply because I despise everything about that vacuous, hypocritical, hateful, wilfully pig-ignorant, racist, backward-ass, hillybilly, fake four-eyed, good-for-nothing grifter. The mere sound of her voice is enough to drive a sane person out of their minds, and that "You betcha" winky-smirky thing she does makes me want to commit violence upon inanimate objects.
The one thing I do know for sure is that the republican presidential field is the sorriest looking group of stone-fuckingly-stupid opportunists, morons and grifters I have ever seen. Which naturally means it's a bloggers wet dream!!!
See? I did it. Funny and sad all at the same time. Just like the republican party. Only less spiteful. Or racist.
You see, the Quitter from Wasilla, Sarah Palin, has had a movie made about her political career entitled "The Undefeated". Ya like that? "The Undeafeated". That requires Black Knight-levels of self-delusion (It's only a flesh wound!) Of course if the movie title actually related to the real world in anyway it would be a very short flick indeed (which, of course would be ideal for her supporters who have difficulty with anything more complex than Sponge Bob Squarepants). Back here in the real world, a more accurate title would be "Got my ass kicked so bad I Quit", but of course that would require the element of truth, and that is something that is rarely, if ever, a part of Snowzilla's lifestyle.
All of this, of course, is part of the build-up to the inevitable 'will she run or won't she' frenzy that is sure to be whipped up by the lapdog M$M, and still the number one reason I will forever hate Grandpa McLame for plucking her out of political obsurity and shoving her onto the national political stage, instead of leaving her in Buttfuck Alaska to mindlessly slaughter wolves instead...
But here's the real dilemma, part of me wants her to run, just to watch her get her head kicked-in repeatedly by other republicans (can you imagine the snark that will be unleashed in a Newt v. Mooselini v. Mittens could be EPIC!), but another part of me doesn't want her to run simply because I despise everything about that vacuous, hypocritical, hateful, wilfully pig-ignorant, racist, backward-ass, hillybilly, fake four-eyed, good-for-nothing grifter. The mere sound of her voice is enough to drive a sane person out of their minds, and that "You betcha" winky-smirky thing she does makes me want to commit violence upon inanimate objects.
The one thing I do know for sure is that the republican presidential field is the sorriest looking group of stone-fuckingly-stupid opportunists, morons and grifters I have ever seen. Which naturally means it's a bloggers wet dream!!!
See? I did it. Funny and sad all at the same time. Just like the republican party. Only less spiteful. Or racist.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
The crocodile and the scorpion: Or "there I was thinking that 'job creation' was the number one republican priority..."
..well okay, no I didn't.
I knew it was a bunch of bullshit the minute the phrase escaped their sneering lips, but because there are a sufficient number of completely fucking stupid people in this country that did believe that steaming pile of manure, here we are half a year later, chin-deep in the brown and smellies, with no relief in sight.
You see, contrary to the slick Koch brothers-funded campaign ads in 2010 talking about "job creation", and "reigning in out-of-control spending in Washington D.C.", I knew all along that the REAL republican agenda was primarily focused on gutting the public safety net by dismantling Medicare and Social Security, and giving free reign to the pro-life hypocrites that infest their ranks like a bunch of smugly self-righteous 'Dudley-do-Gooders', hell-bent on totally denying a woman's right to choose.
The republican-taliban have tried through various means at the state and federal level to make the highly emotional and deeply personal decision to terminate a pregnancy, as difficult as humanly possible. Worryingly they have had some success. They have passed laws requiring sonograms be taken and shown to the patient before the procedure takes place (in a particularly distasteful and unnecessarily sadistic twist, this has to be paid for by the patient), enforcing mandatory 24 hour waiting periods, forced "counselling" geared towards shaming or dissuading the patient from moving forward, and a myriad of other draconian measures designed to do one thing, and one thing only, to prevent a woman from having control over her own body.
Ladies, don't kid yourself, this is all about treating you like second-class citizens and nothing more. Or do you really think that Congress would vote on legislation limiting a man's right to choose? (I am often reminded of a phrase I heard many years ago about freedom of choice that said that if it were men that got pregnant, the right to choose would be in the Bill of Rights). This has nothing to do with the 'sanctity of life' otherwise all of these anti-choice zealots would be offering to adopt all of the babies that would otherwise be aborted. I have yet to see that transpire.
The latest attack on women is an amendment that forbids federal funds to be used to even teach how to perform the operation itself. The fact that the repugnant sponsor of this amendment is herself a hateful homophobic bigot just rubs more salt in the wound. In case you have forgotten (or more likely never heard) Virginia Foxx is the same "caring christian" that said that the Matthew Shepard murder was "a hoax" meant to further the "gay agenda". She cares more about the unborn than the born apparently, but only if they are heterosexual.
Look, I know that ALL politicians lie, but some lies are bigger than others. The lesson that needs to be learned here is that the republicans tell the biggest lie of all, that they are on YOUR side, when the opposite is in fact the absolute truth. They were as sincere about job creation being their number one priority as the scorpion was when he told the crocodile he wouldn't sting him if he gave him a ride across the river. The only difference is that this 'sting' will take away the rights of half the population of this country.
I knew it was a bunch of bullshit the minute the phrase escaped their sneering lips, but because there are a sufficient number of completely fucking stupid people in this country that did believe that steaming pile of manure, here we are half a year later, chin-deep in the brown and smellies, with no relief in sight.
You see, contrary to the slick Koch brothers-funded campaign ads in 2010 talking about "job creation", and "reigning in out-of-control spending in Washington D.C.", I knew all along that the REAL republican agenda was primarily focused on gutting the public safety net by dismantling Medicare and Social Security, and giving free reign to the pro-life hypocrites that infest their ranks like a bunch of smugly self-righteous 'Dudley-do-Gooders', hell-bent on totally denying a woman's right to choose.
The republican-taliban have tried through various means at the state and federal level to make the highly emotional and deeply personal decision to terminate a pregnancy, as difficult as humanly possible. Worryingly they have had some success. They have passed laws requiring sonograms be taken and shown to the patient before the procedure takes place (in a particularly distasteful and unnecessarily sadistic twist, this has to be paid for by the patient), enforcing mandatory 24 hour waiting periods, forced "counselling" geared towards shaming or dissuading the patient from moving forward, and a myriad of other draconian measures designed to do one thing, and one thing only, to prevent a woman from having control over her own body.
Ladies, don't kid yourself, this is all about treating you like second-class citizens and nothing more. Or do you really think that Congress would vote on legislation limiting a man's right to choose? (I am often reminded of a phrase I heard many years ago about freedom of choice that said that if it were men that got pregnant, the right to choose would be in the Bill of Rights). This has nothing to do with the 'sanctity of life' otherwise all of these anti-choice zealots would be offering to adopt all of the babies that would otherwise be aborted. I have yet to see that transpire.
The latest attack on women is an amendment that forbids federal funds to be used to even teach how to perform the operation itself. The fact that the repugnant sponsor of this amendment is herself a hateful homophobic bigot just rubs more salt in the wound. In case you have forgotten (or more likely never heard) Virginia Foxx is the same "caring christian" that said that the Matthew Shepard murder was "a hoax" meant to further the "gay agenda". She cares more about the unborn than the born apparently, but only if they are heterosexual.
Look, I know that ALL politicians lie, but some lies are bigger than others. The lesson that needs to be learned here is that the republicans tell the biggest lie of all, that they are on YOUR side, when the opposite is in fact the absolute truth. They were as sincere about job creation being their number one priority as the scorpion was when he told the crocodile he wouldn't sting him if he gave him a ride across the river. The only difference is that this 'sting' will take away the rights of half the population of this country.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
NY-26 Special election result = 'Keep your hands off my Medicare'
In case you need further proof that threatening to fuck with people's entitlements is STILL the political "third rail" comes news last night that in a special election in the NY-26 district, a Democrat won a seat that has been solidly republican for the better part of 150 years. The (D) candidate ran on a three word platform "Medicare, Medicare, Medicare". The (R) candidate outspent her opponent with Koch brothers money (does that make her a Koch whore or simply a Koch sucker?) by a factor of 3 or 4 to 1 (by some estimates over $3 million in all) and STILL they lost. Why? The voters don't like the ideas that the (R)'s are putting forth, and summarily kicked them out.
It would be easy to get carried away with this result, and it would be wise not to read too much into this special election, but this sure is an ominous omen for the (R)'s as they head into the 2012 election season with a platform that includes the destruction of Medicare and a re-working (read utter destruction after handing the money over to Wall St) of Social Security at its' core.
Yay Democracy!
It would be easy to get carried away with this result, and it would be wise not to read too much into this special election, but this sure is an ominous omen for the (R)'s as they head into the 2012 election season with a platform that includes the destruction of Medicare and a re-working (read utter destruction after handing the money over to Wall St) of Social Security at its' core.
Yay Democracy!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Newsflash: The republicans have conceded the 2012 elections...
..At least that's just about the only logical conclusion one can draw by looking at the field of potential 2012 republican Presidential candidates running so far...
Here's a recap of those who have currently announced their intentions: Ron Paul (the libertarian version of Ross Perot, only much, much more crazy), Mitt Romney (who smokes the wrong brand of Jesus as far as the republican "christians" in the South are concerned and simply cannot decide where he stands on anything, other than his own two feet, and he's not entirely sure about that), Newt Gingrich (a thrice-divorced, newly converted catholic and serial adulterer running on the 'Family Values' platform), Tim Pawlenty (a person so unknown even folks in Minnesota had to be reminded that he was their most recent governor), Herman Cain (some obscure black dude that used to make pizza and thinks that because both of his parents were black makes him the only authentic black man in the race) and now comes word that Rudy "A noun, a verb and 9/11" Giuliani is considering another run at the White House. Really? When does Bozo the clown announce his candidacy?
The only possible way this gets better for the Democrats is if Failin' Palin/Caribou Barbie/Mooselini can stop being a grifter long enough to drag her sorry arse off the couch in Buttfuck Alaska, quit posting other people's words on Facebook and Twitter and pretending they're hers, and enter the race as the 'You Betcha' candidate. Oh sure, she'll probably quit half-way through the press-conference announcing her bid, but at least that'll temporarily stop her from "writing" another book - quite possibly the worst abuse of tree-pulp ever.
With that field can you imagine the righteous clusterfuck that the gop debates would turn out to be? Jeebus H Christ on a bike, it would be like a race to the bottom in who can say the most outrageously stupid thing about President Obama without actually busting out the 'N' word...In other words, pure comedy gold...
What makes this so strange though is that for all intents and purposes it looks as though the formerly well-oiled rethuglican election machine has thrown a piston rod, and they're the ones that have formed the circular firing squad, formerly the sole ballywick of the Democrats. With the "throw grandma off the cliff" Medicare plan suggested by Paul Ryan being less popular than a pork chop in a synagogue, continued support for subsidies to Big Oil even though they have just announced the largest corporate profits in history, and the fact that Barack Obama just had Osama Bin Laden whacked, the gop finds itself in the unusual position of being in what seems to be, total freefall.
There is still work to be done no doubt, and we know from recent experience that the gop is well-versed in how to steal elections (Florida 2000 and Ohio 2004) so it is no sure thing for President Obama to be re-elected, but it sure seems to me that the rethuglican party has all but thrown in the towel for 2012.
Only time will tell...
Here's a recap of those who have currently announced their intentions: Ron Paul (the libertarian version of Ross Perot, only much, much more crazy), Mitt Romney (who smokes the wrong brand of Jesus as far as the republican "christians" in the South are concerned and simply cannot decide where he stands on anything, other than his own two feet, and he's not entirely sure about that), Newt Gingrich (a thrice-divorced, newly converted catholic and serial adulterer running on the 'Family Values' platform), Tim Pawlenty (a person so unknown even folks in Minnesota had to be reminded that he was their most recent governor), Herman Cain (some obscure black dude that used to make pizza and thinks that because both of his parents were black makes him the only authentic black man in the race) and now comes word that Rudy "A noun, a verb and 9/11" Giuliani is considering another run at the White House. Really? When does Bozo the clown announce his candidacy?
The only possible way this gets better for the Democrats is if Failin' Palin/Caribou Barbie/Mooselini can stop being a grifter long enough to drag her sorry arse off the couch in Buttfuck Alaska, quit posting other people's words on Facebook and Twitter and pretending they're hers, and enter the race as the 'You Betcha' candidate. Oh sure, she'll probably quit half-way through the press-conference announcing her bid, but at least that'll temporarily stop her from "writing" another book - quite possibly the worst abuse of tree-pulp ever.
With that field can you imagine the righteous clusterfuck that the gop debates would turn out to be? Jeebus H Christ on a bike, it would be like a race to the bottom in who can say the most outrageously stupid thing about President Obama without actually busting out the 'N' word...In other words, pure comedy gold...
What makes this so strange though is that for all intents and purposes it looks as though the formerly well-oiled rethuglican election machine has thrown a piston rod, and they're the ones that have formed the circular firing squad, formerly the sole ballywick of the Democrats. With the "throw grandma off the cliff" Medicare plan suggested by Paul Ryan being less popular than a pork chop in a synagogue, continued support for subsidies to Big Oil even though they have just announced the largest corporate profits in history, and the fact that Barack Obama just had Osama Bin Laden whacked, the gop finds itself in the unusual position of being in what seems to be, total freefall.
There is still work to be done no doubt, and we know from recent experience that the gop is well-versed in how to steal elections (Florida 2000 and Ohio 2004) so it is no sure thing for President Obama to be re-elected, but it sure seems to me that the rethuglican party has all but thrown in the towel for 2012.
Only time will tell...
Monday, May 23, 2011
Monday Morning Mutterings: The world, post-rapture day - Some guy from Minnesota wants to be prez - The Sperminator is a douchebag - Miracle in Boston
Good Monday Morning to all of my reader. I am thinking of adding a new feature to this, the least read blog in the universe. I am thinking of doing something along the lines of 'Friday Follies' where I try and capture the humourous side of the rank hypocrisy of the right-wing, but in a more Monday-morning "why wasn't I born rich instead of handsome, that way I could stay home under the covers instead of being a wage-slave" sort of snark. It will most likely feature a few headlines from the weekend's happenings with my usual hysterically funny commentary added in. I will attempt to make this a regular weekly thing so that you, dear reader, have yet another reason to completely ignore this blog. I fully expect the some sort of deafening silence I have become accustomed to as far as feedback is concerned, so I won't even ask (or beg) you for it. (Well maybe just a little begging....)
So, bearing that in mind, and seeing as how the caffeine hasn't kicked in yet, here is the first edition of Monday Morning Mutterings:
Seems that the doofus that predicted the end of the world and rapture for all the 'good' christians now claims he got his math wrong. File that under "duh".
Tim Pawlenty, the former governor of Minnesota announced his candidacy for the rethuglican Presidential nomination yesterday, and again today apparently, and was met with a resounding "Who?" from the general public.
Turns out the Sperminator twice vetoed same-sex marriage bills whilst he was Der Governator in Kalifornia on the grounds that he wanted to "protect the sanctity of marriage". I am sure the mother(s) of his out-of-wedlock children think that's just swell. No word yet from his future ex-wife.
In baseball news, on Saturday night in Boston the Chicago Cubs scored 8 runs in the eighth inning in a stunning come from behind win on the back of some of the worst baseball I have ever seen played by alleged professionals. It looked more Keystone Cops than pro-ball, and not only did the Boston Red Sox embarass themselves with that performance, they also managed the impossible, they made the Cubs look good......
Have a great week all!
So, bearing that in mind, and seeing as how the caffeine hasn't kicked in yet, here is the first edition of Monday Morning Mutterings:
Seems that the doofus that predicted the end of the world and rapture for all the 'good' christians now claims he got his math wrong. File that under "duh".
Tim Pawlenty, the former governor of Minnesota announced his candidacy for the rethuglican Presidential nomination yesterday, and again today apparently, and was met with a resounding "Who?" from the general public.
Turns out the Sperminator twice vetoed same-sex marriage bills whilst he was Der Governator in Kalifornia on the grounds that he wanted to "protect the sanctity of marriage". I am sure the mother(s) of his out-of-wedlock children think that's just swell. No word yet from his future ex-wife.
In baseball news, on Saturday night in Boston the Chicago Cubs scored 8 runs in the eighth inning in a stunning come from behind win on the back of some of the worst baseball I have ever seen played by alleged professionals. It looked more Keystone Cops than pro-ball, and not only did the Boston Red Sox embarass themselves with that performance, they also managed the impossible, they made the Cubs look good......
Have a great week all!
Friday, May 20, 2011
Friday Follies: More proof that Rupert Murdoch is Satan...
I know that to most of my massive readership (thank you, all four of you) it is common knowledge that the sour-faced Australian/American walking bag of wrinkles that owns what seems to be 7/8ths of all media on the planet (known colloquially as Rupert Murdoch, or more commonly 'Satan'), is a right-wing ideologue extraordinaire, but the man that received the most votes in the 2000 US election, and the man that should have been the 43rd President of the United States instead of the smirking monosyllabic simian selected by the US Supreme Court, has just come right out and said it, in plain English.
It seems that President Gore's TV channel, Current TV, is about to get booted off Italian satellite dishes because Big Al signed up Keith Olbermann (a personal hero of mine) to headline a nightly newscast starting in June, and Satan really doesn't like my mate Keef. You see, good old Keithy has a habit of calling a spade a spade (sometimes he calls them 'fucking shovels' just to make sure the point gets across), and his main targets for the application of the 'Keith Olbermann Truth and Reality-Serum' is Satan's "news" channel in America, the Fuxx Spews Network. Keith has repeatedly shown (using their own words, not his) that their primetime hosts are unabashedly bare-faced naked serial liars and consumate bullshit artists, and that they are all both morally and ethically bankrupt. He has pointed out that Satan himself is a documented liar and has the moral conscience of an incontinent pitbull on a white shag carpet. This has not best pleased the cloven-hoofed one, and he has decided to take out his ire on Keith's new network.
The fact that this once again proves Satan to be nothing more than a thin-skinned bastard who can dish it out all day long but when called to account simply tries to take his ball and go home, is no surprise. What is surprising is that he would do this at a time when he is edging ever-closer to the precipice of criminal prosecution for his companies phone-hacking of celebrities and royalty in the UK and his planned takeover of BSkyB in the UK is also under fire. That deal is floundering for myriad reasons, not least of which are his apparent "political contributions" (these used to be called "bribes" in the past, however that term has now been deemed too quaint) to several prominent politicians from both main UK parties in an attempt to calm the seas of approval. That isn't going to plan at all, and now instead of retreating, reconsidering and re-deploying, he has decided to fuck with the former Vice President of the United States.
For an allegedly shrewd business guy, he is beginning to look more and more like Donald Trump know, all mouth and no trousers...
It seems that President Gore's TV channel, Current TV, is about to get booted off Italian satellite dishes because Big Al signed up Keith Olbermann (a personal hero of mine) to headline a nightly newscast starting in June, and Satan really doesn't like my mate Keef. You see, good old Keithy has a habit of calling a spade a spade (sometimes he calls them 'fucking shovels' just to make sure the point gets across), and his main targets for the application of the 'Keith Olbermann Truth and Reality-Serum' is Satan's "news" channel in America, the Fuxx Spews Network. Keith has repeatedly shown (using their own words, not his) that their primetime hosts are unabashedly bare-faced naked serial liars and consumate bullshit artists, and that they are all both morally and ethically bankrupt. He has pointed out that Satan himself is a documented liar and has the moral conscience of an incontinent pitbull on a white shag carpet. This has not best pleased the cloven-hoofed one, and he has decided to take out his ire on Keith's new network.
The fact that this once again proves Satan to be nothing more than a thin-skinned bastard who can dish it out all day long but when called to account simply tries to take his ball and go home, is no surprise. What is surprising is that he would do this at a time when he is edging ever-closer to the precipice of criminal prosecution for his companies phone-hacking of celebrities and royalty in the UK and his planned takeover of BSkyB in the UK is also under fire. That deal is floundering for myriad reasons, not least of which are his apparent "political contributions" (these used to be called "bribes" in the past, however that term has now been deemed too quaint) to several prominent politicians from both main UK parties in an attempt to calm the seas of approval. That isn't going to plan at all, and now instead of retreating, reconsidering and re-deploying, he has decided to fuck with the former Vice President of the United States.
For an allegedly shrewd business guy, he is beginning to look more and more like Donald Trump know, all mouth and no trousers...
Thursday, May 19, 2011
So long fourth amendment we hardly knew ye!! Part Deux.
As a follow-up to Tuesday's entry about the most recent SCrOTUS decision to obliterate the 4th amendment, comes news that the Indiana Supremes have gone and one-upped the D.C. Gang of Eight and basically eliminated the 4th amendment protection against unlawful police entry entirely in their state.
This amazing decision runs absolutely contrary to the 4th amendment of the Constitution, and would ordinarily be fast tracked to the D.C. Supremes to be summarily vacated and dismissed. Now, that may not be the case. The fact that the SCrOTUS has a hard-right bent to it is no secret, but the fact that their own actions betray their sworn testimony during their own confirmation hearings about being "strict constitutional constructionists" would be laughable if the consequences weren't so dire.
Look, we know that Lt AWOL and his gang of war criminals not only attacked the wrong country in response to 9/11 but had planned to attack Iraq anyway prior to that awful day in 2001, but they also cynically used that tragedy to erode civil liberties at home. This included illegal wire-tapping of every phone call and e-mail sent and received in the US, and the eventual shredding of Habeus Corpus. All the while the general population was fed a steady stream of fear, panic, and more fear to insure that they stayed cowed and compliant as the bush cabal went about their merry task of dismantling the Constitution once and for all. Most worryingly, at each and every step of the dismantling process, the SCrOTUS has been in lock-step with the destroyers and pillagers and has used some jaw-dropping spin to excuse their own actions.
I get upset at people that take the Bible as the 'absolute' word-for-word truth. It is over 1900 years old, written and re-written so many times over the years that it is impossible to know with ANY degree of certainty or clarity what was meant or intended by each and every verse, but with the Constitution of the United States that is not the case. We KNOW who wrote it, we KNOW what they meant, and the words are in plain English with no need for interpretive translations as to nuance or context. And yet knowing all this, the Supremes (and most annoyingly the ones that claim they aren't 'activists' because they base their decisions strictly on the constitution as written - which is complete and total bollocks) have time after time handed down decisions that are the exact opposite of what the document they swore to uphold and defend actually says.
This is a country of laws. It was built and designed to use those laws to protect us, guide us and defend us, and the Supreme Court is supposed to use the law as the final arbiter by which right and wrong is decided. That all changed in December of 2000 when the SCrOTUS handed down the most mis-guided, illogical, and counter-intuitive decision it had made in it's entire history. It has continued to move down that path of bitterly partisan decisions and rather then being relied upon as the final measure for relief for the down-trodden and the "little guy", it is now the rubber-stamp of approval for an agenda that is diametrically opposed to the ideals laid down by the Founders.
Let me be clear, I am not one of these conspiracy nutters that sees a police state, or fascism around every corner, but when you look at what has happened to this country since 2001 you have to wonder if we're all not just a bunch of frogs on a hotplate that is steadily climbing towards the boiling point and no-one was noticed yet...
This amazing decision runs absolutely contrary to the 4th amendment of the Constitution, and would ordinarily be fast tracked to the D.C. Supremes to be summarily vacated and dismissed. Now, that may not be the case. The fact that the SCrOTUS has a hard-right bent to it is no secret, but the fact that their own actions betray their sworn testimony during their own confirmation hearings about being "strict constitutional constructionists" would be laughable if the consequences weren't so dire.
Look, we know that Lt AWOL and his gang of war criminals not only attacked the wrong country in response to 9/11 but had planned to attack Iraq anyway prior to that awful day in 2001, but they also cynically used that tragedy to erode civil liberties at home. This included illegal wire-tapping of every phone call and e-mail sent and received in the US, and the eventual shredding of Habeus Corpus. All the while the general population was fed a steady stream of fear, panic, and more fear to insure that they stayed cowed and compliant as the bush cabal went about their merry task of dismantling the Constitution once and for all. Most worryingly, at each and every step of the dismantling process, the SCrOTUS has been in lock-step with the destroyers and pillagers and has used some jaw-dropping spin to excuse their own actions.
I get upset at people that take the Bible as the 'absolute' word-for-word truth. It is over 1900 years old, written and re-written so many times over the years that it is impossible to know with ANY degree of certainty or clarity what was meant or intended by each and every verse, but with the Constitution of the United States that is not the case. We KNOW who wrote it, we KNOW what they meant, and the words are in plain English with no need for interpretive translations as to nuance or context. And yet knowing all this, the Supremes (and most annoyingly the ones that claim they aren't 'activists' because they base their decisions strictly on the constitution as written - which is complete and total bollocks) have time after time handed down decisions that are the exact opposite of what the document they swore to uphold and defend actually says.
This is a country of laws. It was built and designed to use those laws to protect us, guide us and defend us, and the Supreme Court is supposed to use the law as the final arbiter by which right and wrong is decided. That all changed in December of 2000 when the SCrOTUS handed down the most mis-guided, illogical, and counter-intuitive decision it had made in it's entire history. It has continued to move down that path of bitterly partisan decisions and rather then being relied upon as the final measure for relief for the down-trodden and the "little guy", it is now the rubber-stamp of approval for an agenda that is diametrically opposed to the ideals laid down by the Founders.
Let me be clear, I am not one of these conspiracy nutters that sees a police state, or fascism around every corner, but when you look at what has happened to this country since 2001 you have to wonder if we're all not just a bunch of frogs on a hotplate that is steadily climbing towards the boiling point and no-one was noticed yet...
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
So long fourth amendment we hardly knew ye!!
In a shocking example of "Activist Judges Gone Wild", the SCrOTUS has ruled that Johnny Law can enter your house without a warrant, pretty much whenever they goddamn feel like it. In a case referred to them from the Kentucky Supremes, these scholarly and highly learned men and women decided that the fourth amendment was written as more of a guidline than an actual rule.
To avoid any confusion, here is the text of the 4th Amendment: "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."
Seems pretty straight forward, yes? If the Fuzz want to come in and have a look 'round your digs they can go and get a warrant, otherwise, they can sod off.
Until yesterday that is.
In an 8-1 ruling the court over-turned the lower court's finding that the Fuzz had indeed violated the 4th amendment in their entry, seizure of evidence and arrests of the next-door neighbours of the person they were actually following, and basically said that if Johnny Law "smells marijuana" or "hears the sound of evidence being destroyed" they can kick the door down and do what they please without so much as a by-your-leave. The fact that in this particular case the Fuzz went to the WRONG apartment, and kicked down the WRONG door completely escaped these robed activists as they sided with Johnny Law.
So, listen up, if you live near to, or next to, some dodgy bastards, don't be surprised if you get your door 'accidentally' kicked in by the Filth as they try and pinch your neighbour. And for God's sake, whatever you do, don't flush the bog when there's a copper around....
To avoid any confusion, here is the text of the 4th Amendment: "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."
Seems pretty straight forward, yes? If the Fuzz want to come in and have a look 'round your digs they can go and get a warrant, otherwise, they can sod off.
Until yesterday that is.
In an 8-1 ruling the court over-turned the lower court's finding that the Fuzz had indeed violated the 4th amendment in their entry, seizure of evidence and arrests of the next-door neighbours of the person they were actually following, and basically said that if Johnny Law "smells marijuana" or "hears the sound of evidence being destroyed" they can kick the door down and do what they please without so much as a by-your-leave. The fact that in this particular case the Fuzz went to the WRONG apartment, and kicked down the WRONG door completely escaped these robed activists as they sided with Johnny Law.
So, listen up, if you live near to, or next to, some dodgy bastards, don't be surprised if you get your door 'accidentally' kicked in by the Filth as they try and pinch your neighbour. And for God's sake, whatever you do, don't flush the bog when there's a copper around....
Monday, May 16, 2011
If the press stops reporting on something is it still a disaster?
Whilst the focus of the world media has moved onto it's newest shiny bauble in the shape of Osama Bin Laden's hidden porn stash, things are still going horribly pear-shaped in Japan and it's crippled nuclear powerplant at Fukushima.
TEPCO finally admitted last week what just about everbody on the planet had suspected all along, when they announced that there had been a meltdown in their number one reactor. Not a 'minor' one, or a 'slight' one, but a full-on 'holy shit' meltdown. Apparently the fuel rods were fully exposed and all of the water that they've been pumping into the core to try and keep it cool had simply been flowing through the molten mess of what was left of the fuel rods, and through the holes in the floor of the containment vessel and then escaping into the basement underneath. There is no word on where the highly radioactive water has been going from there, although 'directly into the sea' is a bloody good guess.
Whilst you try and wrap your head around how bad that all is, don't forget that TEPCO also announced at the same time they finally came clean about that little nugget of truth, that they actually knew that they were in deep, deep shit only 16 hours after the earthquake. In other words they knew they were headed full-tilt into a meltdown in at least ONE of their reactors and they lied about it.
Now comes the news that reactors 2 and 3 are having similar "difficulties", including the suspicion that both vessels have been breached by melted fuel rods just like number one, and that they are abandoning plans to try and cool number one entirely because the water is just leaking out.
So, in a nutshell, there are three nuclear reactors on the east coast of Japan that are in various stages of full-on meltdown, the company in charge of the power plant has basically admitted that they have been lying their asses off from the start, and no-one has a plan in place to stop the meltdowns from speeding up. Brilliant!
Oh, and I almost forgot the best part, there was a pool that contained hundreds of spent fuel rods, and remember, those are the really toxic buggers, and TEPCO hasn't been talking about them very much, if at all, which makes me very, VERY worried for the people within 100 miles of that place...
But by all means lets not allow that to get in the way of the truly important international topic de jour...whether Osama Bin Killed had any lezzie porn on his 'putey...
TEPCO finally admitted last week what just about everbody on the planet had suspected all along, when they announced that there had been a meltdown in their number one reactor. Not a 'minor' one, or a 'slight' one, but a full-on 'holy shit' meltdown. Apparently the fuel rods were fully exposed and all of the water that they've been pumping into the core to try and keep it cool had simply been flowing through the molten mess of what was left of the fuel rods, and through the holes in the floor of the containment vessel and then escaping into the basement underneath. There is no word on where the highly radioactive water has been going from there, although 'directly into the sea' is a bloody good guess.
Whilst you try and wrap your head around how bad that all is, don't forget that TEPCO also announced at the same time they finally came clean about that little nugget of truth, that they actually knew that they were in deep, deep shit only 16 hours after the earthquake. In other words they knew they were headed full-tilt into a meltdown in at least ONE of their reactors and they lied about it.
Now comes the news that reactors 2 and 3 are having similar "difficulties", including the suspicion that both vessels have been breached by melted fuel rods just like number one, and that they are abandoning plans to try and cool number one entirely because the water is just leaking out.
So, in a nutshell, there are three nuclear reactors on the east coast of Japan that are in various stages of full-on meltdown, the company in charge of the power plant has basically admitted that they have been lying their asses off from the start, and no-one has a plan in place to stop the meltdowns from speeding up. Brilliant!
Oh, and I almost forgot the best part, there was a pool that contained hundreds of spent fuel rods, and remember, those are the really toxic buggers, and TEPCO hasn't been talking about them very much, if at all, which makes me very, VERY worried for the people within 100 miles of that place...
But by all means lets not allow that to get in the way of the truly important international topic de jour...whether Osama Bin Killed had any lezzie porn on his 'putey...
Friday, May 13, 2011
Friday Follies: What's good for the goose isn't necessarily good for the gander
I sometimes sit here scratching my head during the week wondering what I am going to use for my Friday Follies editions. I want them to be funny, as that is sort of implied in the title, but I also want them to have a point, something that all of my dear reader can take away and ponder over the weekend. Some weeks I have to search frantically hither and yon for my topic, other times the words just spring lightly off the keyboard and onto the page. But largely all I have to do is scan the weekly headlines where there is bound to be some sort of hijinks or shenanigans going on either in Hollyweird or D.C. that appeals to my twisted sense of humour. This is one of those weeks.
In Minnesota a republican state senator introduced a bill "reforming" the state's health care system by kicking 15,000 poor folk off the rolls and instead of giving them actual health care, give them 'vouchers' to go and buy insurance for themselves. This republican modern-day Scrooge then went on to tout how much money it would save the state, how it would get government out of health care, and how it would give poor folk more options for their health care. In other words textbook Ayn Rand bullshit.
A Democratic state senator decided she liked what she heard so much she offered her own amendment to the bill which suggested that before putting the plan into action for the general public, they should enact it for all state legislators to make sure the programme worked the way it is supposed to. Apparently the amendment was met with stunned silence from the chamber. Not surprisingly the most vociferous opposition came from the 'free market' loving republicans who, it turns out, only believe the 'free market' is a good idea when applied to the poor.
The amendment was voted down and the bill eventually passed along party lines, and it is expected to be vetoed by the Minnesota governor, but it is refreshing to see a Democrat stand up and call these assholes out on their bullshit. The Democratic Senator from MN, Al Franken, seconded a similar proposal in the Senate in D.C., not sure what they're drinking up in Minnesota, but this spine-reinforcing elixir needs to be bottled and given to the DNC....
In Minnesota a republican state senator introduced a bill "reforming" the state's health care system by kicking 15,000 poor folk off the rolls and instead of giving them actual health care, give them 'vouchers' to go and buy insurance for themselves. This republican modern-day Scrooge then went on to tout how much money it would save the state, how it would get government out of health care, and how it would give poor folk more options for their health care. In other words textbook Ayn Rand bullshit.
A Democratic state senator decided she liked what she heard so much she offered her own amendment to the bill which suggested that before putting the plan into action for the general public, they should enact it for all state legislators to make sure the programme worked the way it is supposed to. Apparently the amendment was met with stunned silence from the chamber. Not surprisingly the most vociferous opposition came from the 'free market' loving republicans who, it turns out, only believe the 'free market' is a good idea when applied to the poor.
The amendment was voted down and the bill eventually passed along party lines, and it is expected to be vetoed by the Minnesota governor, but it is refreshing to see a Democrat stand up and call these assholes out on their bullshit. The Democratic Senator from MN, Al Franken, seconded a similar proposal in the Senate in D.C., not sure what they're drinking up in Minnesota, but this spine-reinforcing elixir needs to be bottled and given to the DNC....
Want proof that republicans are pussies? Look no further...
In an amazing display of either chutzpah, or a total lack of irony, 42 freshman republican congressmen sent a letter to President Obama this week pleading with him to call off the attack dogs regarding their 'Yes' votes to end Medicare as we know it in the US. These are the very same attack dogs that went after 'Obamacare' last summer with such venom and vitriole at Town Hall meetings that some of them ended in fisticuffs. Now the tables have been turned and they themselves are on the receiving end of the venom and vitriole, and all of a sudden it's time to "stop the political rhetoric" and have "fact-based discussions". My sincere and genuine hope is that the President responds to this letter by suggesting very politely and very eloquently that they should just go fuck themselves.
He probably won't. But it would be awesome if he did, you know, go a little bit Samuel L. Jackson on their weenie freshmen asses. Grab them by the scruff of the neck and explain, in very small words if necessary, that you don't get to poison the debate with lies and misinformation and rile up the unruly mob but then as soon as soon as someone else uses the same tactic on you, cry foul and try and claim the moral high ground.
More likely in the real world he'll probably just flash that sly little grin he has and give them the "I just had Osama Bin Laden killed, who the fuck do you think you're talking to" look and leave it at that.
Regardless, what this clearly shows is that republicans are either hypocrites or pussies.
Or both.
He probably won't. But it would be awesome if he did, you know, go a little bit Samuel L. Jackson on their weenie freshmen asses. Grab them by the scruff of the neck and explain, in very small words if necessary, that you don't get to poison the debate with lies and misinformation and rile up the unruly mob but then as soon as soon as someone else uses the same tactic on you, cry foul and try and claim the moral high ground.
More likely in the real world he'll probably just flash that sly little grin he has and give them the "I just had Osama Bin Laden killed, who the fuck do you think you're talking to" look and leave it at that.
Regardless, what this clearly shows is that republicans are either hypocrites or pussies.
Or both.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Friday Follies: Early Edition...The Governor of Wisconsin is still an asshole...
In a brazen display of contempt for democracy, workers rights and basic human compassion, the religiously insane Governor of Wisconsin today signed legislation that banned paid sick leave for employees in Milwaukee County. The fact that the paid sick leave provision had been approved by means of a public referendum held for voters in 2008 did not faze the boss-eyed git, as he regurgitated some Koch-Brothers talking points about 'Wisconsin being open for business yada yada yada'...
The irony that the governor had just come from a prayer-breakfast to sign this piece of legislation that fucks over the poor and the working class has not yet sunk in...Apparently in Scott Walker's world, Jesus wants the sick to suffer AND go broke at the same time...
I sincerely hope that the next time some right-wing knuckle-dragging cheesehead complains about his paycheck being short at the end of the week because he was sick a couple of days, will think twice before voting for a person with an (R) behind their name the next time they find themselves in a voting booth.
With Scott Walker's recall next January a very likely possibility, and the recall of six of his rethuglican state senator accomplices set for this July, Wisconsin may yet manage to pull itself back into the 21st century...and for the decent hard-working folk in that state, I sincerely hope they are successful before he bans paid time at work as well....
The irony that the governor had just come from a prayer-breakfast to sign this piece of legislation that fucks over the poor and the working class has not yet sunk in...Apparently in Scott Walker's world, Jesus wants the sick to suffer AND go broke at the same time...
I sincerely hope that the next time some right-wing knuckle-dragging cheesehead complains about his paycheck being short at the end of the week because he was sick a couple of days, will think twice before voting for a person with an (R) behind their name the next time they find themselves in a voting booth.
With Scott Walker's recall next January a very likely possibility, and the recall of six of his rethuglican state senator accomplices set for this July, Wisconsin may yet manage to pull itself back into the 21st century...and for the decent hard-working folk in that state, I sincerely hope they are successful before he bans paid time at work as well....
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Reason number 9,987,675 I'm glad that Caribou Barbie is nowhere near the Whitehouse...
In a pathetic attempt to insert herself into the ongoing narrative about the most important story of the year, and possibly the decade, the former half-term governor of Alaska today tweeted that President Obama should "stop pussy-footing around" and "release the OBL death photos".
Beyond the fact that her former would-be boss John McCain actually agrees with the President's decision not to release the photos, this brain-dead airhead has shown once again why she should never be put in charge of anything more powerful than a toaster oven. Her logic for releasing the photos is so that they would be "a warning to others seeking America's destruction", never mind the fact that they could quite possibly incite more anger at the US overseas than that which already exists.
In a seemingly never-ending slew of increasingly asinine and inane tweets, this spokesmodel for hatred and bigotry continues to show us just how lucky we were when Barack Obama was elected President, rather than the crusty old-dude that plucked her out of political obscurity simply because he wanted something pretty to look at on the campaign trail.
See, this is the problem with the American electoral system. It's become style over substance, quantity over quality, and the fact that most of the republican males that voted for her see her as nothing more than a MILF that likes to kill defenseless animals, without realizing that they were voting to put this moron one stopped-heartbeat away from the Oval Office, boggles the mind.
There is some good news about the Quitter from Wasilla though, her approval numbers continue to plummet, and it appears as though any talk of her running for President in 2012 has begun to seriously fade. This can only be seen as a good thing, because to call this broad stupid would be an insult to stupid people. One can only hope that she will continue to fade into irrelevance, and become nothing more than an embarassing footnote in american political history, because quite frankly, to quote Chris Rock, "That bitch be crazy"...
Beyond the fact that her former would-be boss John McCain actually agrees with the President's decision not to release the photos, this brain-dead airhead has shown once again why she should never be put in charge of anything more powerful than a toaster oven. Her logic for releasing the photos is so that they would be "a warning to others seeking America's destruction", never mind the fact that they could quite possibly incite more anger at the US overseas than that which already exists.
In a seemingly never-ending slew of increasingly asinine and inane tweets, this spokesmodel for hatred and bigotry continues to show us just how lucky we were when Barack Obama was elected President, rather than the crusty old-dude that plucked her out of political obscurity simply because he wanted something pretty to look at on the campaign trail.
See, this is the problem with the American electoral system. It's become style over substance, quantity over quality, and the fact that most of the republican males that voted for her see her as nothing more than a MILF that likes to kill defenseless animals, without realizing that they were voting to put this moron one stopped-heartbeat away from the Oval Office, boggles the mind.
There is some good news about the Quitter from Wasilla though, her approval numbers continue to plummet, and it appears as though any talk of her running for President in 2012 has begun to seriously fade. This can only be seen as a good thing, because to call this broad stupid would be an insult to stupid people. One can only hope that she will continue to fade into irrelevance, and become nothing more than an embarassing footnote in american political history, because quite frankly, to quote Chris Rock, "That bitch be crazy"...
Note to self: Don't play poker with President Obama...
If you haven't seen this yet I suggest you watch it for any number of reasons, not least of which is that it is very funny. However, knowing what we now know about what was going on behind the scenes in the Whitehouse when this took place, this should make it very, VERY obvious to even the dumbest motherfucker on the planet...this is one dude you do NOT want to play poker with...
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Osama Bin Killed...
President Obama personally gave the 'go' order to kill the planet's most wanted man.
Tonight we know that this particular 'mission' was well and truly 'accomplished'.
To put it another way, it took him a little over two years to do what his predecessor couldn't do in over seven years...
President Obama has shown that you don't need to put on a flightsuit and land on an aircraft carrier to be a bad-ass...You just have to get the job done...
I don't get to say this very often, but nice job Mr. President...
Tonight we know that this particular 'mission' was well and truly 'accomplished'.
To put it another way, it took him a little over two years to do what his predecessor couldn't do in over seven years...
President Obama has shown that you don't need to put on a flightsuit and land on an aircraft carrier to be a bad-ass...You just have to get the job done...
I don't get to say this very often, but nice job Mr. President...
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