..At least that's just about the only logical conclusion one can draw by looking at the field of potential 2012 republican Presidential candidates running so far...
Here's a recap of those who have currently announced their intentions: Ron Paul (the libertarian version of Ross Perot, only much, much more crazy), Mitt Romney (who smokes the wrong brand of Jesus as far as the republican "christians" in the South are concerned and simply cannot decide where he stands on anything, other than his own two feet, and he's not entirely sure about that), Newt Gingrich (a thrice-divorced, newly converted catholic and serial adulterer running on the 'Family Values' platform), Tim Pawlenty (a person so unknown even folks in Minnesota had to be reminded that he was their most recent governor), Herman Cain (some obscure black dude that used to make pizza and thinks that because both of his parents were black makes him the only authentic black man in the race) and now comes word that Rudy "A noun, a verb and 9/11" Giuliani is considering another run at the White House. Really? When does Bozo the clown announce his candidacy?
The only possible way this gets better for the Democrats is if Failin' Palin/Caribou Barbie/Mooselini can stop being a grifter long enough to drag her sorry arse off the couch in Buttfuck Alaska, quit posting other people's words on Facebook and Twitter and pretending they're hers, and enter the race as the 'You Betcha' candidate. Oh sure, she'll probably quit half-way through the press-conference announcing her bid, but at least that'll temporarily stop her from "writing" another book - quite possibly the worst abuse of tree-pulp ever.
With that field can you imagine the righteous clusterfuck that the gop debates would turn out to be? Jeebus H Christ on a bike, it would be like a race to the bottom in who can say the most outrageously stupid thing about President Obama without actually busting out the 'N' word...In other words, pure comedy gold...
What makes this so strange though is that for all intents and purposes it looks as though the formerly well-oiled rethuglican election machine has thrown a piston rod, and they're the ones that have formed the circular firing squad, formerly the sole ballywick of the Democrats. With the "throw grandma off the cliff" Medicare plan suggested by Paul Ryan being less popular than a pork chop in a synagogue, continued support for subsidies to Big Oil even though they have just announced the largest corporate profits in history, and the fact that Barack Obama just had Osama Bin Laden whacked, the gop finds itself in the unusual position of being in what seems to be, total freefall.
There is still work to be done no doubt, and we know from recent experience that the gop is well-versed in how to steal elections (Florida 2000 and Ohio 2004) so it is no sure thing for President Obama to be re-elected, but it sure seems to me that the rethuglican party has all but thrown in the towel for 2012.
Only time will tell...
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