As a follow-up to Tuesday's entry about the most recent SCrOTUS decision to obliterate the 4th amendment, comes news that the Indiana Supremes have gone and one-upped the D.C. Gang of Eight and basically eliminated the 4th amendment protection against unlawful police entry entirely in their state.
This amazing decision runs absolutely contrary to the 4th amendment of the Constitution, and would ordinarily be fast tracked to the D.C. Supremes to be summarily vacated and dismissed. Now, that may not be the case. The fact that the SCrOTUS has a hard-right bent to it is no secret, but the fact that their own actions betray their sworn testimony during their own confirmation hearings about being "strict constitutional constructionists" would be laughable if the consequences weren't so dire.
Look, we know that Lt AWOL and his gang of war criminals not only attacked the wrong country in response to 9/11 but had planned to attack Iraq anyway prior to that awful day in 2001, but they also cynically used that tragedy to erode civil liberties at home. This included illegal wire-tapping of every phone call and e-mail sent and received in the US, and the eventual shredding of Habeus Corpus. All the while the general population was fed a steady stream of fear, panic, and more fear to insure that they stayed cowed and compliant as the bush cabal went about their merry task of dismantling the Constitution once and for all. Most worryingly, at each and every step of the dismantling process, the SCrOTUS has been in lock-step with the destroyers and pillagers and has used some jaw-dropping spin to excuse their own actions.
I get upset at people that take the Bible as the 'absolute' word-for-word truth. It is over 1900 years old, written and re-written so many times over the years that it is impossible to know with ANY degree of certainty or clarity what was meant or intended by each and every verse, but with the Constitution of the United States that is not the case. We KNOW who wrote it, we KNOW what they meant, and the words are in plain English with no need for interpretive translations as to nuance or context. And yet knowing all this, the Supremes (and most annoyingly the ones that claim they aren't 'activists' because they base their decisions strictly on the constitution as written - which is complete and total bollocks) have time after time handed down decisions that are the exact opposite of what the document they swore to uphold and defend actually says.
This is a country of laws. It was built and designed to use those laws to protect us, guide us and defend us, and the Supreme Court is supposed to use the law as the final arbiter by which right and wrong is decided. That all changed in December of 2000 when the SCrOTUS handed down the most mis-guided, illogical, and counter-intuitive decision it had made in it's entire history. It has continued to move down that path of bitterly partisan decisions and rather then being relied upon as the final measure for relief for the down-trodden and the "little guy", it is now the rubber-stamp of approval for an agenda that is diametrically opposed to the ideals laid down by the Founders.
Let me be clear, I am not one of these conspiracy nutters that sees a police state, or fascism around every corner, but when you look at what has happened to this country since 2001 you have to wonder if we're all not just a bunch of frogs on a hotplate that is steadily climbing towards the boiling point and no-one was noticed yet...
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