Tuesday, August 14, 2012

John McCain vouches for Mittens (sort of)

In my most recent post I had suggested that it was more than a little strange that John McCain, the guy that actually has seen Mitten's tax returns, hadn't said anything in defense of the guy that came in second to Alaska Spice in the 2008 republican Veepstakes (think about what THAT says about Rmoney for just a moment). Well now, Senator McCain has corrected that and come out with a statement saying, in essence, not much, really. Oh, the words sound like a solid vouch for the not-yet-confirmed republican nominee, but when you re-read the actual words, they don't say what he wants you to think they say. "Nothing in his tax returns showed that he did not pay taxes". Senator McCain's statement is very carefully parsed indeed. You see, everyone pays some taxes, property taxes, sales taxes etc etc, but not all of us pay Federal and State taxes, especially those of us that are very, very rich and have a cadre of lawyers and accountants to ensure that fact.

I would, however, like to thank Sen. McCain for bringing the tax return issue to the front-burner again, especially after the M$M spent the entire past weekend fawning over Mittens pick for V.P., a former social-security recipient that wants to demolish the very same safety net that he so handsomely benefited from in his formative years. (More on that would-be granny-killing hypocrite later). But what Senator McCain's bluster and baloney still doesn't answer is the one, most obvious question of all: If Mitten's tax returns are perfectly legitimate, and they show that he did pay taxes and by default that Harry Reid is completely and utterly full of shit, why doesn't he just release them and PROVE IT?

I find it hard to believe that a republican would eschew the opportunity to knock a Democratic politician's dick in the dirt, especially someone like the Senate majority leader. As mendacious as Rmoney is, a man who has shown he is not beneath approving campaign commercials that are entirely truth-free, I cannot believe that he continues to endure the battering that his secrecy is causing, when the alternative would be the modern-day equivalent of having photographic evidence of your opponent being found in bed with a live boy or a dead girl.

It just doesn't add up. Unless there's something so naughty in those returns he has to keep them secret or risk losing much more than just a general election.

Stay tuned kiddies...this is far from over...

1 comment:

  1. I think the release of his tax returns will piss off the Mormons, the IRS AND the entire voting public!
