Thursday, December 9, 2010

Caribou Barbie gets it all wrong....again...

So apparentely in revenge for the anti-WikiLeaks musings the Quitta from Wasilla has been spouting on her FB page, a group of anonymous hackers decided to fuck with her political action committee website (if by political action commitee you mean "legal method to personally enrich herself at the expense of morons that think she's presidential material") and shut it down with a D.O.S. attack.

This so incensed Mrs 'It's all about me" Palin that she had to quip thusly on her FB page "This is what happens when you exercise the First Amendment and speak against his (Julian Assange) sick, un-American espionage efforts". Okay, a couple of things. One, Sarah Palin doesn't know what espionage is, never mind know how to spell it correctly without the aid of spellcheck, and secondly, of course he's un-American you stupid, stupid woman...he's AUSTRALIAN.

I don't know which is more frightening, that this half-baked walking bag of stupid thinks she is presidential material, or the fact that there are other people in the US that think the same thing.

1 comment:

  1. That there are other who thinks she is Prez material is definitely, nay, infinitely scarier.
