Friday, December 17, 2010

Senator John Cornyn is a lying other news, water is wet.

I know that the title of this piece is a bit of a giveaway, but on the day that President "Nope, no Change" signs away our children's and grandchildren's financial futures for a few beanstalk beans, I thought it would be useful to point out (again) the rank hypocrisy being demonstrated by the party of "small government" and "fiscal conservatism".

Take for example, Senator John Cornyn. He is one of the very biggest liars and hypocrites in a party absolutely stuffed to the gills with them. As this bloated behemoth of free giveaways to the extremely wealthy known as the Omnibus Spending Bill works it's way through the sausage-making machine in D.C. some republicans saw it as an opportunity to have their cake and eat it too. They figured they would be able to load as much pork onto the bill as possible, and then vote against it, safe in the knowledge that the bill would pass without their vote anyway. Why? Because if it didn't, the core constituents of the Democratic base would have their taxes go up on January 1st and that would not be a good idea, even if it meant the rich got to pay a little bit more too. So what does this silver-haired skidmark do? On one hand he sends out e-mails lambasting the Democrats for wasteful earmark spending whilst on the other hand he makes sure to put in for $18 million of them for himself. So far, so good. Next step in the rethuglican playbook is to hold a press conference and slam the Democrats for over-spending in a lame-duck session. The only problem is the usually placid and compliant M$M momentarily forgot who their masters were and actually called them out on it

Just for once the hypocrites were called out for their blatant lies. For one glorious moment the presstitutes started to ask the questions that made the rethuglicans feel uncomfortable. The hypocritical bastards actually looked surprised. They thought this was going to be a normal run-of-the-mill presser where the lapdogs lobbed nothing but softballs for them to swing at, and then everyone would leave happy knowing that they had all played their part. Instead they were shamed into looking like the bought and paid for whores that they are. They were hoisted on their own petards of avarice and greed. Well maybe not that last bit, but dammit, for one brief moment things actually made a little more sense.

And what were the networks covering this week? Yup, you guessed it,  Ryan Reynolds break-up with Scarlett Johansson.

You know. The important shit.

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