Monday, December 6, 2010

Obama caves (again)..and the rethuglicans just keep on laughing...

So it appears that the Prez has caved on the rethuglican "leave no millionaire behind" tax-break plan. The gop's base get what they want (shitloads of money) and in return the peasants can have a little relief too (unemployment benefits extended for another year). The fact that this adds close to $1,000,000,000,000 onto the deficit's bottom line doesn't appear to phase the "deficit hawks" and "small government" tea-party asswipes just elected to congress one bit. Not in the slightest.

So as Democrats get yet another punch in the gut from the gloating fuckers on the right as the Capitulator in Chief rope-a-dopes his way out of another fight, all that is left is to try and get their heads around the reality of the situation. Someone, somewhere in the West Wing decided that the rich getting their money, the poor getting their alms and all of us getting to talk about this all over again in 2012 is a good deal.

On what kind of messed up planet does this sort of logic make a winning strategy?

In order for the poor to get their stale bread crusts the rich are given more caviar.

All of the talk of 'fiscal conservativism' turns out to be complete bullshit(there's a fucking surprise!)

And just in time for the 2012 Presidential election we get to have the same "Democrats want to raise your taxes" meme shoved down our throats by the gop and their enablers in the M$M. Kicking this shit-covered can down the road another couple of years is the thing that must have the Millionaires Club (Congress) the most giddy because it's a win-win for them. If the economy is still in the shitter in 2012 it's because the Prez is an economic dunce by allowing the deficit to continue to grow, and if it improves it's because tax-gifts to the wealthy really ARE good afterall...

Why not go on national teevee and say it like it is..the gop want the rich to keep more money and they are willing to fuck everyone else over in order to make that happen...Use small words so that the teahadists understand it as well..or is it only rethuglicans that get to use the bully pulpit...??

For a guy that got his job with pretty speechifying and verbal persuasionism he sure seems tongue-tied when it comes to actually doing something hard..

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