As unemployment benefits run out today for close to 2 million people in the United States (also commented on here) and nary a vote in sight to restore them, the Angry White Rich-Guy Party is hard at work making sure the poor just keep on getting fucked.
Not satisfied with emptying the Treasury Dept directly into the coffers of the very same banks that steered the economy to the edge of the precipice, the rethuglicans now want to make sure that any money they might have left behind stays in the pockets of the rich, and the poor can just go fuck themselves. That's right. If you are unemployed and haven't been able to find a job in the last two years, you are well and truly screwed as of December 1, 2010.
You see, these miserly fucking bastards have said they will not even contemplate extending the benefits because it will add another $18 billion onto the deficit, unless something else gets cut to pay for it. If not, well, let the peasants eat cake.
Now to a "fiscal conservative" (also known as "tight-fisted fuckwad") as many of the self-righteous millionaires in Congress like to call themselves, this may seem quite reasonable, but it all starts to come apart at the seams when the topic turns to extending tax breaks for themselves. Thats when these "fiscal conservatives" get all kinds of giddy with indignant rage. You see, the soon-to-expire tax-gifts to the wealthy would add $700 billion to the deficit, but the rethuglicans say that doesn't really matter, they are SO vitally important to the overall health of the economy that they need to be continued no matter the expense.
Got that? $18 billion to help two million Americans = BAD. $700 Billion to the rich = GOOD.
One Democrat has had enough and is speaking out about it. Nancy Pelosi has called the reptiles out on their blindingly obvious hypocrisy and stated in plain English just exactly how fucked in the head these greedy bastards are.
Think it'll do any good?
Me neither.
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