Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Glenn Beck: A skidmark on the underwear of the human race.

I normally just gloss-over and ignore the rantings of this particular psychotic right-wing christo-fascist, but his comments regarding the recent Norwegian tragedy need to be addressed. In his radio-show (if by radio-show you mean fascist-jerk-off-session) he said that the camp that the 76 dead teenagers attended, murdered by someone that quite probably would have been an avid listener of his show, was "disturbingly like Hitler youth camps". Yup, this two-bit shyster and full-time shit-stain equated the camp where young Norwegian kids went to learn about democracy and how to get involved in the political process, as the same as the indoctrination of young children used by the nazi regime in the 1930's and 40's.

This is not the first-time that this mentally unhinged hate-monger has been forced to walk-back or apologize for some outlandish or outrageous comment his mouth has made, but this time I think an apology simply won't cut it. I don't think that slandering the victims of a murderous right-wing killer is something that can simply be walked-back or apologized for whilst emitting crocodile tears. Not this time. I am not a violent person by nature, or by philosophy, but I dare say that Beck should be made to apologize, in person, to every single parent that had their child taken away from them and if a parent (or two, or twenty) decide to extract a different sort of apology from him, well then, that would just be the way it goes.

I know one thing for an absolute certainty, if this had happened to me and it was my child he was referring to like this, Glenn Beck would need to leave the planet in order to be safe.

1 comment:

  1. I made the mistake of getting involved with the comments section of this particular story, growing steadily more stunned and appalled at the comments coming from people who are apparently born under the same flag as me (don't go there, I genuinely found it deeply disturbing and actually lost sleep over the willful hate, arrogance and vileness on display). Anyway, after a while, and finding a couple of fellow more-open minded individuals there among the loons and bigots, one of these fellow wiser monkeys pointed out a regular troll and posted a warning about him, advising those that might be interested to check out the link to his Facebook page. This I duly did, and much to my delight was able to post the following comment (copied from the Telegraph thread, my apologies for using such a foul word on your blog Bro)

    "Oh ye Gods... I have just almost coughed up a lung with laughter... following your mentioning of his Facebook account I clicked and followed.

    After spending a little while looking at the various myopic links and postings there, I glanced to the right side of the screen, just as I intended to close the tab.

    As usual there was the normal selection of sponsored ads. Underneath the ones for the run-of-the-mill hogwash was the following (in Danish, English translation follows):

    Psykopat? Kender du en? Få hjelp til at takle psykopaten, som generer dig. Nu!

    (English: Psychopath? Do you know one? Get help to deal with one bothering you. Now!)

    Had to post this prior to mopping up the coffee spat across the lappie with laughter. Talk about the perfect adjectival definition of "apropos"..."

    Karma can be kind sometimes...
