Monday, July 4, 2011

Monday Morning Mutterings: Guess the country....Afghanistan or America?

Just in time for "Independence Day" in the "Land of the free"(sic)....

This story makes me want to spit blood. Rennie Gibbs, a 15 year old child who lost her baby 36 weeks into the pregnancy and was later discovered to have been a cocaine user, has been placed under arrest and charged with "depraved-heart murder" which carries a mandatory life sentence.

In which backward-ass hellhole of a country does this poor young woman live? Afghanistan you say? Nope. Perhaps Saudi Arabia? Wrong. Surely it must be rural Pakistan? Nope, you're way off.

The correct answer is: the United States of America.

Yup, the land of the free and the home of the brave*. (does not apply to all races or sexes)

Even more disturbing is that Rennie Gibbs is not the only one to suffer under the increasing encroachment of theocratic laws on the US law books. There are plenty of others that have found themselves stuck in this outrageous position as well.

As the hard-core right-wing fascists in the Republican party continue their assault on women's rights state-by-state, the same sorts of anti-woman policies have become evermore prevalent at the national level as well. More and more of the invisible cloud-being worshippers have risen to positions of power in the republican party and they are not shy about their number one focus; the stripping away of hard-won rights by women to have control over their own bodies.

In 38 of the 50 United States legislation is either on the books, or being proposed, that in some form or another criminalizes anything other than the traditional outcome of a pregnancy (you know, a small, wrinkled alien being and a lifetime of bills) and yet this apparently has not been enough to motivate every single woman in the country to get off their lovely shapely bums and do something about these attempts to make them second-class citizens.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, if men got pregnant, you would be able to get abortions at every single Jiffy Lube in the country and they'd have two-for-one specials down at the local Hooters during Monday Night Football. This has nothing to do with "the sanctity of life" and everything to do with control.

These religiously insane busy-bodies have the potential to ruin thousands and thousands of lives with their self-righteous dictates, so ladies, this Independence Day, I ask you to make a commitment to yourselves, and to your sisters and mothers, that you will do whatever it takes to stay truly 'Independent' and stop the enroachment of theocratic dogma upon your hard fought-for civil rights.

1 comment:

  1. How do all these people, spitting such hatred and vitriol, screaming and raving about the perils of religious fundamentalism, its export and its detrimental effect on the freedom of others actually manage to shave or put on make-up in the morning? They clearly have no mirrors at home (or a sense of irony for that matter) For 95% of the world the most terrifying Fundamentalist nation in the world starts a couple of hundred miles inland from the Atlantic and Pacific coastlines of the USA, and it's hold on the legislature is horrifying. The separation of Church and State is a very basic necessity - faith and politics are lousy bed-fellows, and only ever produce bastard offspring.
