Monday, July 11, 2011

Monday Morning Mutterings: More thoughts on the debt-ceiling debate/debacle.

Here's the thing, Congress approved 5 increases on the debt-ceiling during bush's reign of error, without so much as a murmur so it's easy to conclude that the obstinate stance of the rethuglican party has buggered all to do with "principles" or "balanced budgets" and everything to do with making Obama a one-term President. The real problem is that Obama may cause that to happen anyway as he continues to insist on placating the very people that are plotting his demise. There is no reason on god's green earth why social security, medicare or medicaid need be touched in any way at all...if you want to lower the deficit, return taxes to where they were BEFORE bush gifted the rich free money off the backs of the middle class. The concept that the poor and middle class have to give up even more than they already have, so that the rich don't have to suffer paying higher taxes is laughable at best, and criminal at worst.

Obama said that he'd rather be a great one-term President rather than a medicore this rate he ain't gonna be either...

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