Wednesday, July 27, 2011

So here's how messed up things are for Boner..(or what happens when you let the nutters loose in the asylum)

Now that the Weeper of the House, John Boehner (pronounced correctly by everyone except him as 'Boner') has had his fun blaming the Prez whilst continuing to spread right wing lies at his daily pressers, he thought he could pull the frying pan out of the fire just in time to proclaim victory to one and all. He thought he would be able to brag to his base that he'd saved the rich from having to pay a single nickel more in taxes, fucked the poor in the ass (again) AND saved the US economy all at the same time. Trouble is, all of a sudden he has discovered that the lunatic fringe in his party are sufficient in number that he can't do that. Why? Because they won't vote for his plan either.

Boner, it turns out, has severely over-played his hand and according to reports this morning on ABC's GMA even Cantor, his right-hand douchebag, can't control the nutjobs in his party anymore either. Both he and Boner have now got that panicked look of the guilty teenager that suddenly sees the flash of their parent's car headlights through the front-window, just as they are about to engage in a little soixante-neuf action with the girlfriend in the middle of the living-room floor. So here we are, on what we are told is the precipice of fiscal disaster, and the man who thought he was in control has all of a sudden found out he's not half as clever as he thought he was.

The question is, can anyone in that gaggle of corporate whores get the Teanderthals to toe the line, or will this fringe group of mentally unhinged imbeciles drive the US economy (and possibly the world's stock markets) right off the edge of a cliff...

We will soon found out...

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