Monday, July 18, 2011

Monday Morning Mutterings: Yeah, so?

..Unfortunately I am once again up to my nipples at the salt mine this week and therefore cannot apply the usual care and thought to this week's MMM. (not that anyone gives a shit, this being the least read blog on the interwebs)...Sooooooo I'll be brief...Murdoch is slipping further into the shit...the head of the London Fuzz quit over the weekend and in his resignation letter sort of, kinda, hinted that David Camerwrong the ConDem P.M. is not as lily-white as he is protesting he is...News from this side of the pond seems to suggest that The Beast may not only get clipped for some vague American law that says you're a naughty boy if you bribe someone foreign, but might seriously get done for hacking into phones over here. Let me tell you something kiddies, if that turns out to be the case, we are going to see a shit-storm the size of which will be spoken about in hushed tones for many eons to come...As they say....stay tuned....

Let's see...what else? In the UK an ordinary bugger wound up winning The Open Championship (that's a golf thing to non-wankers like you and me) and good for him I say. It wasn't some poncy git wearing his wife's trousers, or some spotty-faced herbert with vast tufts of unruly hair sprouting out from underneath his sponsors baseball cap, just a regular looking geezer who looks like he knows his way around more than a few pints of Guiness. The weather looked like total shite though and I was staggered to find out that it was being played in my home county of Kent, and not the Outer Hebrides as it appeared on the telly. In that sort of weather anyone that finds the same ball they just hit from the tee should pick it up, put it in his pocket, and call it a win. But hey, that's just me.

Have a great week you all!!!

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