Wednesday, November 28, 2012

A picture tells a thousand words...or, why the GOP still just doesn't get it...


After the almighty ass-kicking that Mittens got earlier this month courtesy of Mr & Mrs American voter, a veritable landslide of Electoral Votes and a majority of the popular vote for the President, some would think that the republican party might sit back and ponder as to whether their divisive, exclusionary polices had something to do with that.

Did their fetus-loving, woman-hating, race-baiting, dog-whistle cornucopia of multi-million dollar ad-campaigns truly backfire? How could it be that their billionaire benefactors like the Koch brothers, and Sheldon Adelson had crucially mis-calculated the pulse of the American voter? (You know, by getting the poor-folk to vote against their self-interests yet again by claiming that the President was going to take away their guns, force them into a gay marriage and let illegal immigrants have sex with their daughters whilst banning Christmas in favour of Ramadan and Kwanzaa.)

The phrase "I spent $300 million dollars and all I got was this lousy Romney/Ryan tee shirt" comes quickly to mind. And not without a bloody great grin from myself I hasten to add. But one would have thought that after the Democrats had not just held onto the Whitehouse (handily), maintained their majority in the Senate (by adding a slew of highly qualified female candidates) and rejecting some of the most hateful, bigoted ignorant Teabaggers foisted upon an un-willing nation  in the last mid-term election (take a bow Joe Walsh you dead-beat bastard and Allen West you war criminal), that maybe, just maybe,  the powers that be in the GOP would stop for a second and see if maybe the problem wasn't the voters, it was them....maybe they should have been more pro-women? More tolerant of those with different coloured skin, religions or sexual preferences?

Well, they've thought about it and their answer's NOT THEM....

Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present to you the chairpersons of the next republican-led House of Representatives Select Committees...

Look at all of that diversity...

The GOP. The Party of Fucking Idiots.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Note to self: Never, EVER play poker with President Obama...

I don't normally gush like a teenage girl at a Justin Bieber concert, but watching Obama in last night's debate was nothing short of inspiring. His self-control at not cock-punching the arrogant bastard that was baying at him all night long was nothing short of miraculous. A lesser man than The Prez would probably be nursing some heavily bruised knuckles this morning but the 'Black Ninja' as Bill Maher tweeted last night was far, far cooler than that...and that brings me to my point.

This is the same guy that was in the midst of the operation that would wind up taking care of Osama Bin Laden, a defining moment in his Presidency, and yet he still went and yucked it up with the gathered presstitutes at the Correspondents Dinner without so much as a hint as to what must have been on his mind....

And then there was last night...his previously cocksure opponent, reeling from a battering the likes of which he has probably never seen yet so thoroughly deserved, thought he had that one moment when he could take down his nemesis with one clean blow to the berries...he was going to get him with the 'act of terror' card...he even baited him, to make the moment that much sweeter...and the only thing the President said was "please proceed Governor"...and then, in super-slo-mo Robme started his punch from waaaaaaaaay downtown...his eyes gleaming with the knowledge that he finally had his adversary right where he wanted him...but then 'Wooooooooosh' his clenched fist missed the target and instead of watching Obama crumple to the floor in a defeated heap,  he was greeted by the moderator's knee as it hit him directly in the balls... "I'm sorry Governor, actually he DID call it an act of terror the next day"...and the President? Well he calmly sat there with a wry grin on his face that said quite clearly "Have you had enough punk? Well, have you?"..

So, for all of the wailing and gnashing of teeth and rending of garments on the left about the first debate, President Obama showed us last night what a true people's champion looks like...and also the reason why I will never, EVER play poker with this man...

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Election 2012....this year it's PERSONAL

Dear republican friends:

Unlike the toolbags in D.C. it is possible for you and I to sit down and have a reasoned debate, friendly disagreements, and occasionally find some common ground, but this year's election has changed that. This year the election is more than just Dem vs Rep, Blue vs Red, this year it's personal.

Almost a year ago my best friend in the whole world, my wife, was diagnosed with breast cancer. She fought it with all of her might and thankfully has beaten back that disease, not without great sacrifice, much worry, and a shit-ton of bills, but she has kicked cancer's ass...but it has left her with something that could be just as dangerous, and no less a threat to her health - a "pre-existing condition".

That three word phrase can mean the difference between having a long, healthy life, and one filled with fear, pain and potential financial ruin.Until the President signed the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) into law my wife would have been shit out of luck if she changed jobs and wanted to get health insurance. Now, thanks to Obamacare, insurers are prohibited from discriminating against her because of that disease. Not only that, but they are forbidden from capping her insurance limits, so that if something else comes along, she won't have to worry about whether she has enough insurance to cover that too. Plus, our kid gets to stay on our insurance until they turn 26.

The republicans have vowed to repeal Obamacare. All of it. Think about that for a second. A major political party in the US wants to take health insurance coverage away from 26 million people, and allow insurance companies once again, to refuse to pay for coverage once you hit their artificial limits, and to make millions of young American adults simply go without healthcare. I can think of no other time in the history of this country when a major political party campaigned on, in actual fact touted, it's desire to deliberately hurt millions of its own citizens.

You might be considering voting republican because you think they'll lower your taxes (they won't). Or because the Democrats are going to take away your guns (they won't). Or because they're tougher in the war on terror (they aren't - ask Bin Laden if you don't believe me). Hell, you might be closed-minded enough even to do it because you don't like the skin colour or religion of one of the candidates, but if you come out of that voting booth having put an 'x' next to the republican party column, you may very well have signed your own death warrant. You see, cancer doesn't care what party you belong to, and it sure as hell doesn't care if you can afford to pay to try and beat it, but the insurance companies will be with you every step of the way, counting every single thing you need, and they will have no problem at all, in fact you will have voted to allow them, to just let you die instead.

A vote for the republican party this year says to every single American citizen that has a "pre-existing condition", including my wife, that you don't give a shit about them as long as you think your taxes are going to go down. And I think you are better than that.

Yes. This year, it's personal. Do the right thing.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Some simple Bill Clinton arithmetic for you...DNC > RNC

Hello to all of my reader!

As you know this week we had the Democratic National Convention and I have to confess I am still basking in the afterglow of three glorious nights of inspiring and uplifting speeches. We publicly and collectively grew a spine this week and put the angry old rich white-guy party on notice that we've had as much of their bullshit as we're going to take...

With that in mind, may I present this one graphic which I think sums up this week to a tee...

We have alot of work to do in the coming weeks no doubt, but this weekend you can relax a little knowing that the Democratic party is in the finest, fittest, fighting shape of its life. 

Fired up and ready to go? You bet your ass I am!!!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Not with a bang but a whimper...

As the RNC hate-fest slowly reaches it's 'crescendo' tonight with Mitten's acceptance speech, I can't help but feel just the tinsiest bit sorry for the old plastic, used-car-salesman lug-head and his party.They had very high hopes for their KKKonvention.  They had all of their "No really, we're not ALL woman-hating, race-baiting, homophobes" banners pre-printed, they were all ginned-up to get their hate on against the evil black man in the Whitehouse, and the christaliban religious nutjobs were gleefully squirming in their tidy-whities at the party platform that allow them to officially hate 'teh gays' and force rape-victims to go to term with their rape-babies - because you know, that's what God planned all along...

But then mother nature, or more precisely hurricane Isaac, decided to rain all over their parade.


So instead of the televised orgy of hatred, bigotry and intolerance towards President Obama that they had so desperately desired, we got coverage of New Orleans getting drowned again (way to go Army Corps of Engineers - see Harry Shearer's excellent documentary 'The Big Uneasy' for a better explanation), and President Obama acting all Presidential by declaring a state of emergency and offering Federal assistance to all states that needed it.

You know, just like President Bush didn't.

The KKKonvention finally got under way a day late, but there was trouble from the very beginning. The Paul-bots immediately refused to play ball, the RNC wouldn't even say their messiah's name out loud during the nomination process, and some delegates threw some peanuts at a black CNN camera-women saying "that's how we feed the animals"...In other words, the truly classless cluster-fuck the Democrats have been secretly praying for since Mittens bought himself the nomination.

Oh sure, we had Queen Ann grace us peasants with her presence in a $2000 dress as she read her speech (badly) from the tele-prompter, a sin only if you're Democrat apparently, exalting working women everywhere as the backbone of America, even though she has no idea what that actually entails. Then we had New Jersey's Governor Chris 'Humpty-Dumpty' Christie who managed to talk about himself for seventeen minutes before remembering that he was there to nominate someone called 'Romney', and not try and persuade us that his states unemployment rate of 9.7% (fourth highest in the country) is somehow better than the overall US unemployment rate of 8.3%. (Quick note to any republicans reading this, it is probably not a good idea to trot out as the personification of the economic policies you'd like to enact across the country, a Governor who presides over a state that is 47th in the country in GDP growth, 44th in personal income growth and lost 12,0000 jobs just last month....)

In a desperate attempt to pull the fat from the fryer they had Todd Akin's number one fan, Mike Huckabee, throw some red meat to the assembled comatose crowd as he 'aw shucked' his way through his attacks on womens' rights, the chairwoman of the DNC and of course, 'teh gay'. Then, Paul Ryan, the guy the Koch's picked for Rmoney as his running mate, made his debut speech wearing his big-boy pants for the first time ever, but instead of the hoped-for home run, he instead managed to thoroughly soil himself on national television with a speech so full of mis-representations and outright, bald-face lies that even Fox "news" (yes, that Fox "news") had to distance themselves from him.

So that brings us to today. The day that Rmoney finally gets to put on his prom dress and parade in front of an adoring crowd as they crown him with his nomination. The day that launches him officially on his quest to kick that lying, muslim, socialist, Kenyan, marxist in the teeth, and finally put the 'white' back in the Whitehouse. Only no-one really seems to give a shit about any of that. Instead of the pundits wondering what his speech will contain, what vast sweeping vision or policies he might outline, or whether he will manage to pull off the upset of the century and actually appear to be a real human being, they are all consumed with who the 'mystery speaker' will be that's on the schedule. Not the fact that this will be his first national speech, not the fact that he will be the official republican nominee, nope, the presstitutes are more interested in a 'mystery speaker' than the guy the gop has picked to go up against the President.

I don't know about you, but that's gotta suck, even for a soul-less automaton like Wall Street Willard, kinda like going to pick up your prom-date but instead of being ready to go when you get there, she's sitting on the couch with a bunch of her girlfriends watching Jersey Shore eating Cheeto's and scratching her butt...

So as this sorry-ass excuse for a National Convention winds down, like a sit-com that got renewed for one season too many, I sit here and can't help but feel a little bit of pity for them. I know what it's like to be disappointed, I'm a progressive liberal afterall, but for a party that prides itself on unanimity  and strict 'message discipline' this election campaign has been an utter disaster from the primaries up through the KKKonvention.

But then I remember what they say they stand for, and who they really represent (hint - it ain't anyone making less than six figures, gay, of colour or female) and that tiny bit of pity disappears and instead becomes a great big grin. These miserable, bitter, angry, nasty, selfish, bigoted assholes have finally reaped what they've sown. And I kinda like that.

Fuck 'em all.


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Welcome to another episode of "As the GOP implodes.."

"...brought to you by, Bain Capital, outsourcing American jobs for three decades, Bain Capital, No Bain - No Pain.."

*Fade in to the wretched, tear-stained wrinkly face of Todd Akin staring bleakly into a mirror*

TA: "I don't understand why they hate me so.."
Mirror: "Maybe because you're a soul-less, ignorant fucktard?"
TA: "But I apologized and everything!"
Mirror: "Yes, but they can smell bullshit a mile away, besides saying 'I used the wrong words' doesn't absolve you of the fact that you are a soul-less, ignorant fucktard."
TA: "But the VP pick agrees with me...he co-sponsored legislation that changed the definition of rape only just last year!"
Mirror: "Yes, well, he's got his own problems to deal with, that legislation you both voted on would have banned IV fertilization, the method his future boss used to get his wife pregnant with three of their five children. So he's going to throw your ignorant, soul-less fucktard ass under the bus all day he has a math problem...he forgot that he asked for $20 mill from the Govt stimulus he railed against, he forgot that his wife had a trust with $5 million in it, and let's no forget he's a "devout catholic" that worships a chain-smoking atheist that espouses the "fuck you jack, I've got mine" approach to civic yeah, he's not going to come to your defense anytime soon.."
TA: "But how come everyone on Fox News hates me too? They work for us, right? Someone needs to remind them of that fact.."
Mirror: "Sure, everyone knows they're our mouthpiece, that's less of a secret than fat people like to eat, but you can't just piss off 50 percent of their viewers and expect them to still want to spoon with you at night..."
TA: "But I'm not the only one that thinks this way, the party platform says that even if women get pregnant by rape or incest they shouldn't be able to get an abortion."
Mirror: "Look Todd, just because you belong to a political group that actively hates 50 percent of the population, doesn't mean they or you are right, hell even the self-loathing log-cabin guys are up in arms about your platform."
TA: "Yeah, but who gives a shit about those fairies? They still haven't figured out that their entire existence is a contradiction in terms...What is it about "We hate your fairy asses so much that if we could, we'd stone you all to death in a public square every sunday before going to church" don't that understand? Shoot, they make about as much sense as a chicken voting for Col. Sanders."
Mirror: "Yeah Todd, let's not go there shall we? I'd have thought that you guys have heard enough talk about gay folk and fried chicken to last a lifetime.."
TA: "You're making me hungry."
Mirror: "Todd, pay attention, you have a real problem on your hands, everyone, including your own party, wants you to get out of the race."
TA: "Fuck them, I'll appeal to my base, they'll still vote for me!"
Mirror: "Yeah, Todd, you've got the 'angry, stupid old white-guy' vote wrapped up...what about the other 80 percent of the population?"
TA: "Did you forget we live in Missouri?"
Mirror: "Oh yeah, silly me...fuck it, stay'll be a shoo-in!"

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

John McCain vouches for Mittens (sort of)

In my most recent post I had suggested that it was more than a little strange that John McCain, the guy that actually has seen Mitten's tax returns, hadn't said anything in defense of the guy that came in second to Alaska Spice in the 2008 republican Veepstakes (think about what THAT says about Rmoney for just a moment). Well now, Senator McCain has corrected that and come out with a statement saying, in essence, not much, really. Oh, the words sound like a solid vouch for the not-yet-confirmed republican nominee, but when you re-read the actual words, they don't say what he wants you to think they say. "Nothing in his tax returns showed that he did not pay taxes". Senator McCain's statement is very carefully parsed indeed. You see, everyone pays some taxes, property taxes, sales taxes etc etc, but not all of us pay Federal and State taxes, especially those of us that are very, very rich and have a cadre of lawyers and accountants to ensure that fact.

I would, however, like to thank Sen. McCain for bringing the tax return issue to the front-burner again, especially after the M$M spent the entire past weekend fawning over Mittens pick for V.P., a former social-security recipient that wants to demolish the very same safety net that he so handsomely benefited from in his formative years. (More on that would-be granny-killing hypocrite later). But what Senator McCain's bluster and baloney still doesn't answer is the one, most obvious question of all: If Mitten's tax returns are perfectly legitimate, and they show that he did pay taxes and by default that Harry Reid is completely and utterly full of shit, why doesn't he just release them and PROVE IT?

I find it hard to believe that a republican would eschew the opportunity to knock a Democratic politician's dick in the dirt, especially someone like the Senate majority leader. As mendacious as Rmoney is, a man who has shown he is not beneath approving campaign commercials that are entirely truth-free, I cannot believe that he continues to endure the battering that his secrecy is causing, when the alternative would be the modern-day equivalent of having photographic evidence of your opponent being found in bed with a live boy or a dead girl.

It just doesn't add up. Unless there's something so naughty in those returns he has to keep them secret or risk losing much more than just a general election.

Stay tuned kiddies...this is far from over...

Friday, August 10, 2012

I'm beginning to think Mittens doesn't have a 'tax problem'' at all...

...I think he has a 'crime problem'...

When even the festering cesspool of lies and mis-direction laughingly calling itself Fox "news" has Obama beating Rmoney by 49 - 40 in their most recent poll data, you get the sense that the as yet not-nominated republican candidate, is in some pretty deep shit.

He is being taken to task about the outright lies in his campaign commercials, but this time these criticisms have come from traditionally republican-supportive media outlets, and NOT the so-called 'liberal media'. His campaign has already pulled out the "war on religion" card in some markets, which is traditionally used to motivate the bible-thumping base just before the election not typically used before the party convention, and he steadfastly refuses to come clean about his tax returns.

Willard 'Mitt' Rmoney may be many things but stupid isn't one of them. He must surely know how this continued stone-walling is causing his campaign to rapidly take on water, so why not release them and face the music?

George Will, a conservative commentator no less, made his once-a-campaign salient point recently, that Rmoney as a businessman is used to looking at risk v. reward all the time, and has obviously done the calculations regarding his tax returns and concluded that NOT releasing them will cause his campaign LESS damage than releasing them would. Everyone immediately started to try and guess as to what could be so toxic in those returns that his campaign would be better off taking the hammering that it has, rather than just throw the raw meat to the baying hounds and let them have at it for a few days. Surely it can't be as simple as the fact that he just paid alot less in taxes than everyone else, can it?

Look, he's a rich guy that likes to pay minimal taxes, we get that, that's the game the rich have always played, so sure, if he releases them and it shows that he paid an effective tax-rate of 0.00% for the past ten years he'll take a hit, but he'll use that as a badge of honour amongst his supporters. He'll use that as an excuse to say that the tax-code needs to be revamped, and that everyone should pay lower taxes and that's why he's running for office. He would actually be able to turn it into a positive for his campaign.

Unless, of course, his effective tax-rate isn't the only issue.

I know enough about the tax code and the IRS to not fuck with either, and I take my yearly fleecing with as much good grace as possible, but when you're rich you can hire lawyers and accountants whose sole function is to do precisely that. Their job is to fuck with the tax code and the IRS as far as possible, without winding up with their clients wearing silver bracelets and getting a one-way ticket to Club Fed. This is how the rich keep their money, by classifying regular income as 'passive investment returns' or 'dividend reinvestments' or 'refunded asset depreciation allocations' or any number of other gobbledygook sleight-of-hand card tricks, but ALL of them have one thing in common. They are all at least vaguely legal. Which leads me to believe that Willard isn't worried about fallout from paying less taxes than most folks that hold down two minimum-wage jobs nowadays, or the fact that he used offshore banks to hide some of his money, I think he's worried that his accountants have done such shady stuff over the last ten years that if the IRS took a real hard look at them, never mind losing the election, he could wind up losing his freedom...

And one last thing to ponder, of all of the people that are calling the Democratic Senate Leader Harry Reid a 'dirty liar', or that his comments asserting that Rmoney hasn't paid any taxes in the last ten years "belittle his position in the Senate", bear in mind that none of them are speaking from a position of authority. None of them have actually seen the returns. The one person that HAS seen those returns, Senator John McCain when he vetted Mittens for a potential VP slot in 2008, hasn't said a single word about whether Harry is telling the truth or not. And in this case, that silence definitely speaks volumes.

Stay tuned kids...this could get mighty interesting...

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Prometheus: Back to the future from the past in the future

I'm not going to give you the back story because I'm sure you've all seen at least a thousands tv commercials for it so here, in brief is my review...Spoiler alert? Why bother, nobody reads this blog anyway so who's going to have anything spoiled for them...

I give it a solid B+...which in this day and age of interminable Adam Sandler flicks, Vampire romances,  and relentless cartoon/super-hero sequels, here was a movie that really tried to stand out...and it succeeded...sort of...

I really wanted to like Noomi Rapace's character because she's a great actress, but I simply didn't buy-in to the relationship with her partner...there was another one of those "I'm going to try and eat your face off because that's how passionately-in-love people kiss" scenes, which was totally unbelievable...and the rest of the time the supposed knowing glances flashed between the two lovebirds were more reminiscent of a sudden 'did you remember to let the cat out' moment rather than a 'I connect with you at a molecular level of love, man' emotion...

Idris Elba with an American accent...what a waste...I think his lines would have sounded soooooo much better in his natural accent...think 'John Luther In Space'...with guns...and aliens..what could go wrong?

Charlize Theron was apparently just there to try and look highly efficient and erotically pent-up as the ships' Commander besides, as it turns out, all she really wanted was a damned good rogering anyway...

All the other scientists got eaten...we all knew that was going to happen, right?

Which leaves Michael Fassbender's performance as David.

One word. Spell-binding. (okay, technically that's two but you get my point).

He absolutely makes the movie. You are never quite sure what his character's agenda is, which is weird 'cos he's a robot and they're supposed to be programmed right? But he is without doubt what drives the movie. Sure there are slimy monsters penetrating the orifices of various unwilling hosts, and sure there's the question of just who these 'Engineers' really are, but at the end of the day, the only person you care about is David, and he's silicone based. And that's why the movie is ultimately a bit of a let-down. The over-arching theme in the whole movie is about mankind finally figuring out the answer to the ultimate question of who, or what, created us, and in the end the only person really worth caring about was the bloody robot...

Oh, and the movie blatantly sets up at least one more sequel (a banner trailing from the spaceship as the credits started to roll saying "If the box office take is enough we'll see you in 2014" would have been only marginally less obvious..) which i find insulting and annoying, but at least it's not going to be another fucking Die Hard movie so it does have that going for it...

If you're into the franchise I don't think you'll be too disappointed after all it is way better than anything they produced after Aliens, and if you're just looking for a gloriously filmed sci-fi thriller I don't think you'll be let down either. Definitely worth the price of admission.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

How to write good...

Because no-one reads this when they're my words, I'll steal someone else's..namely Frank L. Visco...

1)  Avoid alliteration. Always.
2)  Prepositions are not words to end sentences with.
3)  Avoid cliches like the plague. (They're old hat.)
4)  Eschew ampersands & abbreviations, etc.
5)  Parenthetical remarks (however relevant) are unnecessary.
6)   It is wrong to ever split an infinitive.
7)   One should never generalize.
8)   Eliminate quotations. As Ralph Waldo Emerson once said " I hate quotations."
9)   Comparisons are as bad as cliches.
10) Be more or less specific.
11) Understatement is best.
12) Exaggeration is a billion times worse than understatement.
13) Don't be redundant. Don't use more words than necessary; it's highly superfluous.
14) Foreign words and phrases are not apropos.
15) One word sentences? Eliminate.
16) Analogies in writing are like feathers on a snake.
17) Who needs rhetorical questions?

I hope to incorporate these rules in my future writings so that you, dear reader, might enjoy them more and tell all of your friend about this blog so that one day, I too can get paid for writing as good as I can.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Bigots and zealots and liars, oh my!!

So North Carolina has banned the marriage of same sex folks, even though fucking your cousin is still perfectly legal (just not the gay ones). The problem with this hateful, bigoted, backward-ass legislation is that it invalidates ALL civil unions....even those between a man and a woman....too bad they didn't spend as much time reading as they did hating in that state otherwise they might have caught that one before it passed...

As previously stated AZ has officially gone completely off the deep end with it's hatred of *insert special interest group here*. This week Governor Jan Brewer, who for all the world does a very passable impersonation of Skeletor's wife, banned state funds going to Planned Parenthood, because, you know, nothing says 'Save the Children' quite like not giving free pre and post-natal health care to women that can't afford it.

But the real winner for me is in the 'bald-faced liar' category. May I present to you one Jonah Goldberg. This particular right-wing ass-carrot has a new book out, if by 'book' you mean page-after-page of nonsensical ramblings of the under-developed brain of a person who's sole claim to fame was that his mommy tried to get President Clinton impeached for getting a blow-job from a fat Jewish chick.

The title of this monumental waste of trees and ink is "The Tyranny of Cliches: How Liberals Cheat in the War of Ideas", which sounds ominous, bookish and semi-retarded all at the same time. That's not the problem though, the problem pops up on the dust-jacket of the book where, it is claimed, Jonah Goldberg has "twice been nominated for the Pulitzer Prize". Why is that a problem you ask? The answer is simple. Jonah Goldberg hasn't been nominated for the Pulitzer Prize. Ever. When challenged about it his response was a typical right-wing knee-jerk of "I didn't do it, it's someone else's fault".

Hey Jonah, I have an idea, the next time you want to write an entire book about someone else's "dishonesty", I'd suggest you don't put your own lies on the front page.


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

New Arizona law mandates that all new babies be named Jesus...

Well okay, that's not what the law technically says, but since the upshot of the new Arizona legal definition of when life begins is actually two weeks before conception, it stands to reason that all births in Arizona will by definition be Immaculately Conceived. And we all know what happened the last time that was said to have occurred....

Glad the 'War on women' is completely made up by the 'liberal media'.....

(I blame the heat, they can't ALL be religiously insane, women-hating fucktards in that state can they?)

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Nothing important really, but....

It's been a month since I wrote my last post and not a soul has read it...Excellent!

So what's been happening? The republican presidential nomination race is still going on, albeit with Mitt Rmoney looking more and more inevitable after every result comes out. It's so stale that even the presstitutes in the M$M have seemingly grown bored over the whole thing and turned back to following celebrity gossip with refreshed vigor after the passage of Whitney Houston. Turns out she died of a heart attack of some sort and wound up face down in the tub with traces of cocaine all over her hotel room. Most of her music was mainstream pap that I neither cared for or listened to, but her voice was amazing. Her rendition of the American National Anthem at the Super Bowl in 1991 brings goosebumps to this Brit's arms every time I hear it, and stands out as quite possibly the best vocal rendition ever. (No-one beats Jimi Hendrix's version, though).

What else? Oh yes, a lard arsed, right-wing fucktard on the radio caused himself all sorts of trouble when he called a young women that testified in Congress a "slut" because she wanted her employer to pay for her birth control. In the rest of the civilized world what that young woman was saying makes perfect sense and no-one gives a shit, but in this christo-fascist era bitches need to keep their mouths closed, and their legs open, and focus on staying pretty rather than worrying about a career in public speaking apparently. According to the neanderthals on the right the toughest decision a woman needs to concern herself with nowadays should be whether or not to wear her 'Hooker shoes' when she blows her husband as he watches SportsCenter on ESPN after she's cleaned the table of the remnants of the dinner she spent all day cooking...

Also several (republican controlled) states have passed, or are looking to pass, laws that effectively codify the rape of any woman that wants to have an abortion, by forcing them to pay for a trans-vaginal ultra-sound. (A trans-vaginal ultra-sound is one where the woman is penetrated by a wand, not the usual one where they only rub jello on the tummy). These laws would apply even in the cases where the woman might have become pregnant through rape.

And the republicans in congress can't figure out why they are less popular than genital herpes...

In Florida (a well-known haven for nutters and crazies) an Hispanic man murdered a black kid who was armed with a very threatening bag of candy and a hoodie....the fact that he wasn't arrested by The Filth has upset more than a few folks in this great country, not least of which are all the sane people...

Oh, and NOAA just came out yesterday and said that this past March was the hottest in recorded history.

But global warming is a myth....

My head hurts.....

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Dumb and Dumber (or 'Meet the Romneys')

Today is 'Super Tuesday' here in 'Murrka (Home of the brave and land of the free*) which is when republican voters drag themselves out of their Mom's basement or their trailer homes, and trudge to the polls in seven states to vote for their favourite angry, rich, white guy. The 'front-runner' of this race, if by that phrase you mean "the candidate who has won less than half of the contests to this point but still gets pimped by the M$M as the man to beat", has been portrayed by his opponents as an out of touch, rich, liberal elitist. Whilst it is true that Mittens is the most liberal of the candidates currently on the republican ballot, that is rather like saying Pol Pot was an 'unambitious under-achiever' when compared to the likes of Hitler and Stalin. Don't get the wrong idea though, he's still a right-wing ideologue when it comes to the poor, the unemployed, unions, the environment, health care, gay rights and civil liberties, he just doesn't hate minorities and women as much as the other guys.

Be that as it may, the latest comment uttered by the wife of Mittens Rmoney ups the 'say what?' quotient to 100...Whilst her multi-millionaire husband runs around the country, rolling up his sleeves and pretending to be a regular guy with his 'aw shucks' campaign-shtick, his wife has picked up his unfortunate habit of discounting his wealth as being not that big of a deal. Her latest gaffe came earlier this week when she said that she didn't really consider their family to be that wealthy at all. To which I say 'bitch, please'....anytime you want to switch bank books I'm all in. Shit I don't even want the whole $250 million (that's $250,000,000.00 for those of you playing along at home), I'd take 10 percent of that and be thrilled, hell, I'd take ONE percent of that number and consider myself wealthy....

Couple this with her husband's recent statements that "he's a Ford man, but my wife is into Cadillacs, in fact she drives two", and you start to get the sense that these rich motherfuckers Just.Don't.Get.It.

So I have to say, on this single thing, his opponents are 100% right. And that is the first and only time I will ever admit to agreeing with anything Frothy Santorum or Toad Gingrinch have uttered...

*Actual freedom may vary based upon race, gender, sexual orientation or net worth

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Losing my religion

Being born British, and 100% C of E (Church of England - Cake or Death?) religion and spirituality played a very minimal role in my upbringing. I went to regular non-parochial schools, made fun of those that didn't, and palled around with Jewish and Hindu mates without batting an eye. My parents tried in my earlier years to have the family go to church on a somewhat more regular basis than most, i.e. not just Christmas and Easter, but it just sort of petered out over time. I seem to recall that the last time we all went as a family it was to a regular Sunday morning service at a beautiful and picturesque local church in my home county of Kent. The reason I remember it so vividly after all of these years was because it was disrupted by one of the parishioners having a loud and violent seizure midway through the sermon.

Had I been old enough to have seen 'The Exorcist' ( I wasn't - plus it hadn't been filmed yet) I would have sworn to you that this old woman, helplessly flailing around the floor, had been possessed by demons that were intent on ripping themselves out of her body right there and then. I mean seriously, the only thing missing was the rotating head and the pea-soup. I don't mind telling you I damned near crapped myself. It didn't help that the person who had suffered that seizure was the local village Crazy Lady.  In retrospect she was probably a very lonely old soul, but she scared the shit out of all of  us kids because she had crazy eyes and she had hair growing out of her moles. (I swear to you I am not making this up. Just typing this is giving me the heebie-jeebies remembering what she looked like). She scared us so much that we used to cross the busy main road in the village so as not to get in her path if she was spotted walking back from the local shops.

I was probably somewhere around the ripe old age of ten when that all happened, but I can sit here now, nearly forty years later, and remember it like it was yesterday. I don't think that was the sole reason (soul reason?) we stopped going to church, and I don't recall it being announced officially that the whole 'Let's go and say thanks to God and Jesus every week' experiment was over, but I like to think that my parents thought that my brother and I had been sufficiently scarred by that incident that we wouldn't need to go back. It's a real shame in a way because the church this all happened in really is a very pretty little country church, but my pace always quickened a step or two anytime I ever passed it from that day forward.

My only other truly memorable church memory happened about ten years later. I was on a visit back home from studying in America, probably early 1980's, and I had gone down the pub with an old mate of mine to catch up (as you do). After we had been thrown out of the boozer at closing time by the lovely landlady we staggered back to his mum's house to have a few more. By the time we were done polishing off his mother's booze,  it was probably one o'clock in the morning, and I still had a walk of a mile or so to get back to my parents place. There was only one small problem. Between his mum's place, and my folks abode stood a church. Not the same church as before, a different one. There was nothing wrong this church either, it too was a very pretty, standard sort of English country church, a little larger than the other one perhaps, but there were no horror stories or ghostly tales of hauntings about it in the village. But neither one of us big, strong, 20 year-old young men wanted to walk past this church late at night because it was too scary. Now, you have to remember that this is in England, which means that the church itself is typically surrounded by a graveyard. In fact, this one had a grave-yard on the other side of the main road that ran next to the church, as well as the main one by the church building itself, so in effect I was going to have to walk through the middle of the graveyard to get home.

I came up with a cunning plan.

I suggested to my mate (for the purposes of this piece I shall call him Mike, if for no other reason than because that's what his name is), that he accompany me home, past the church, he could then have a quick coffee at my folks place and then he could head back home by himself. Alas, dear reader he too saw through that plan. He was not too sozzled to figure out that my suggested course of action would mean that even though we would have each other for moral support and courage as we passed the church on the way to my folks place, he would have to walk past the church on his way back to his mum's place, by himself. In turning my suggestion down I seem to recall Mike suggested I perform an act upon myself that is both physically, and anatomically impossible. He may very well have also questioned my mental capacity and my parent's marital status as well,  I can't be sure, but the over-riding fact was that it was most definitely a no-go.

Resigned to my fate I finally screwed up enough courage to head out the door and begin my trek back chez mes parents. As I got closer to the church, quietly cursing Mike under my breath with every step,  I was thankful that it was a brilliantly lit night courtesy of what seemed like a very low-hanging moon, not quite full, but close. The moonlight helped ease my sense of foreboding as I walked around the bend and the church and the graveyard came into view. My pace quickened a little and reflexively I started to whistle. Yes, it's corny I know, but if you want to know why that phrase came into being, I suggest YOU try walking past a graveyard in the dead of night (okay, that one was deliberate) and not whistle, or hum. Trust me, you will do anything to make some sort of sound to break the still, oppressive quiet of nothing more than a late night breeze rustling a few leaves, and what you'd swear was either the sound of bending boughs in the trees or the faint sound of a coffin-lid slowly creaking open on the other side of that headstone over there in the corner....

Anyway, I was about half-way through the graveyard when all of a sudden the clock bell rings out with two ear-shatteringly loud chimes from the church tower. I'm not sure if I screamed out loud or not, but I do recall that I immediately dropped my ciggy and started running at full clip. I didn't stop until I could see the lights of my parents house in the distance getting closer. That was about three quarters of a mile away just so you know, a distance I couldn't run today if you offered me a million dollars and a blow-job from the Hollywood Starlet of my choice as a reward.

Once I arrived safely in the bosom of Casa de Mum & Dad I found, annoyingly, that I had become immediately sober, and so as soon as my heart-rate had settled down, and now that I no longer needed the obligatory post-booze-fest aspirin-and-a-gallon-of-water,  I shuffled off to bed and cursed my mate Mike for opting to stay safely at home under the covers, most likely having a wank, rather than offer support to his friend.

I checked my underwear the following morning and was heartily impressed to find them unsoiled by my previous evenings' frightening escapade. As I sat down to tuck into a damned fine English breakfast, both Mum and Dad asked after the events of the previous night. I skipped over the bits where I struck out with all of the ladies, but gave them the full blow-by-blow details about the walk/run home. They found it vastly amusing that my best friend had told me to stop being such a big girl's blouse and walk home by myself, and were even more impressed that I had been able to actually get the key on the door upon my arrival, but they exchanged quizzical looks when I told them about the church bells ringing out. They both looked at me and asked if I was sure that the bells had rung out, and I said "Of course they bloody did! That's why I ran all the way here!" to which they replied, almost in unison, "Well that's a little odd, the church clock hasn't worked for years, dear..."

I suddenly realized I needed to check my underwear again...and then I excused myself from the breakfast table....

Friday, February 17, 2012

Which century is this again?

As the political season slouches forward, and the gop candidate-picking contest continues to devolve into something more closely resembling 'Swamp People' rather than an attempt to find a bona fide contender to go up against the President, the relentless republican War on Women continues.

In Virginia they are on the verge of mandating 'State Rape' in the form of forced ultrasounds for any women wanting an abortion, regardless of the reason.

In Oklahoma they are ready to officially call a fertilized human egg a 'person', and bestow upon it all manner of constitutional rights. This would immediately make the destruction of a fertilized human egg a crime. So you know, if you were a pregnant woman that mis-carried, you would technically be a criminal and could face investigation and prosecution.

In the Senate there are various bills being put forth to try and allow employers to 'opt out' of paying for birth control, because you know, a woman's sole purpose is to pro-create here in the twenty-first century.

This all comes on the heels of the American Catholic Bishops getting all ginned up about being forced to pay for contraception by President Obama's health care bill, something they say that goes against their fundamental principles, although covering up the rape of thousands of children by pedophile priests in their midst apparently doesn't...

I have said it before, and I'll say it again, if you have a vagina and you vote Republican you need to have your head examined. What will it take for you to understand they HATE you? They don't want you to have access to affordable health care (see the outrage when Susan G. Komen walked back their ill-fated decision to fuck with Planned Parenthood), they don't want you to have control over your own reproductive cycle, and if you get pregnant and don't want to take it to full-term, well you are well and truly fucked aren't you?

Folks, politicians in the USA like to attach the word 'war' alot to things they want to get funding and support for, the 'war' on drugs, the 'war' on cancer, the 'war' on terror (how do you fight a noun exactly?), so make no mistake about it, the republican party has declared 'war' on women....oh they may try and wrap it up as some sort of benevolent "we're only trying to protect generations of future women from being harmed", but when their anti-abortion legislation is so strict it would prevent pregnant victims of incest and rape from aborting the fetus, I think you truly get what they are after, total control over women's bodies.

This issue has nothing to do with protecting cute, cuddly babies, and EVERYTHING to do with MEN telling WOMEN what they can do with their bodies, and bugger-all else.

So ladies, this fall, in State and Federal elections wherever you are, get out there and vote for candidates that will support women's rights, and fight to keep angry old white men out of your vaginas...

Friday, February 10, 2012

What "liberal" media?

CNN got caught being two-faced right-wing enablers this week when they suspended Roland Martin, one of their 'liberal' commentators for something he tweeted about during the Super-bowel ad-fest. Specifically something that was construed by many to be homophobic about the David Beckham underwear ads.

Why is that two-faced you might ask?

Simple, when Tea-bagger Dana Loesch said that the Marines that were being charged for pissing on the bodies of some dead Taliban fighters should have been rewarded instead, and that if she'd been there she'd have done it too , CNN not only didn't suspend her, they defended her...'CNN contributors are commentators who express a wide range of viewpoints - on and off of CNN - that often provoke strong agreement or disagreement. Their viewpoints are their own."

Now, call me old fashioned, but if that statement was really true, shouldn't BOTH commentators have been treated the same way?

"Liberal media" my arse....

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

There's stupid, there's dumb, and then there's this broad....

Dana Perino, pResident George Dumbya Bush's former public relations peroxide-pixie, was on the Faux "news" channel yesterday bitching about the Madonna half-time show at the Super-Dee-Duper Bowl, particularly the middle-finger displayed by MIA during that 'mutton-dressed-as-lamb' lip-synched dance session. Dana was all flustered because MIA wasn't "even an American" and why would any non-American be performing at the Super-Dee-Duper Bowl in the first place? Skipping over the fact that the finger-flip was on the air for even less time than Janet Jackson's nipple-slip, which for no apparent reason caused White America to lose its goddamned mind, is she really suggesting that it would be alright for an American to flip off the teevee audience? I don't think so.

Nope, I think this has bugger all to do with the country the performer is from, and everything to do with the skin colour of the performer....

Or does this mental midget really think that other previous half-time performers like The Who, Sting, The Rolling Stones, U2, Phil Collins and Paul McCartney are actually Americans too?

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Think pink? Not so fast....

Folks, as many of you know my wife has breast cancer. Thankfully, due to early detection, we were able to catch it in its' infancy and the prognosis looks excellent for a full recovery. Due to this unplanned foray into an area that I formerly had very little knowledge about, I have learned a good many things. Most have been very positive, especially in the way family and friends and co-workers have come together to offer my wife their love and support. I have also come to realize just how vast the entire 'industry' built around this disease, has become. Most of it is geared at support and help for the cancer patients themselves, and some for researching the disease as well. But there is also a growing sector of this industry that is more and more involved in promoting their brand name, rather than offering support for cancer patients, or funding research for "the cure".

I am speaking directly about Susan G. Komen  for the Cure. This organisation started out with the very best of intentions, but has now become more and more consumed with promoting it's own brand, selling "pink", and preaching it's own political ideology, than it is in doing what it claims to do, i.e. "find the cure".

This all came to a head yesterday when their national office announced their decision to cut it's yearly funding to Planned Parenthood (you know, the folks that actually DO help women with their health). Not unsurprisingly this kicked up one hell of a fuss on the interwebs. As the news spread, Susan G Komen came under increasing fire for what most saw as a pathetic cave-in to the religious right who have been harping on them, and threatening them, if they didn't cut their funding to Planned Parenthood simply because PP provides access to abortions.

This actually should come as no surprise as their new V.P. of Policy is a radical anti-abortionist, former Georgia gubernatorial candidate, endorsed in 2010 by none other than Caribou Barbie herself, Sarah Palin for her aggressive "pro-life" stance (unless of course you are an animal, in which case she is decidedly pro-death, especially if it involves high-powered rifles, a pack of wolves and a helicopter).

So this got me to doing even more research about the whole "pink" industry that has mushroomed over the years, and I came across a fabulous website, that offers everyone the opportunity to do a little more digging into the various charities and organisations that purport to be "pink", but may actually not be as pink as you think.

I highly recommend that you check that site out the next time you consider pulling out your checkbook or wallet and donating to the cause because the money you give, might not be used the way you think it is.

As for me, I e-mailed Susan G Komen for the Cure this morning and expressed my feelings about their cowardly decision, and then I donated $10 to

I know that I am not alone in my outrage that a charity that presents itself as being "pro-women" would do something that is decidedly "anti-woman", and I respectfully suggest that you do your own research, and then give what you can to those organisations and charities that ARE interested in actually helping women, and not just selling "pink"...


Friday, January 20, 2012

I WIN!!!! I WIN!!! I WIN!!!

Even though this is the least read blog in the entire universe, my protest apparently worked....

In other news one of Newt Gingrich's wives had some unkind things to say about the porcine bastard and his sexual appetite...two things I never EVER want to have to type again...and Rick Perry dropped out of the race...comedians from coast-to-coast were devastated...

Also, President Barack Obama has reportedly found his balls and told Big Oil, and their republican whores in Congress, to fuck off by rejecting the Keystone XL project, for now at least. As with all decisions in the environmental battle, all defeats are permanent, and all victories are temporary, but this is a damned good start.

As for this blog, I took some time off to see if I really wanted to continue or not (lack of readership really does bum me out) but I have now accepted the obvious truth that all bloggers are just blatant attention-whores anyway, so I'm back, just as sassy, just as pissed off, and just as ready to hold every single wanker, moron, hypocrite and republican to account. Seeing as how this is a Presidential election year, that means I could be very, VERY busy.

For the four or five of you that read this, I hope you have a wonderful New Year, and remember, whatever you do, don't let the bastards drag you down...
