Friday, August 19, 2011

Friday Follies: This time they're funny...I promise...

In the midst of all of the dire political news this week (and for a progressive, trust me, it was pretty bloody bleak) as the crazies in the gop presidential nomination contest try and out 'moron' each other in their race to the bottom, comes some news from the entertainment world that made me seriously laugh out loud. So I thought I would share it with you.

Amongst all of the vast variety of godawful dreck and santorum* currently on the American television airwaves, there is one particularly unappealing 'reality' show called 'Jersey Shore', that stands out as one of the absolute worst. I must confess that I have never actually watched this skid-mark of a show, but I have heard enough about it to know that I would hate everything about it. (For those of you that are saying to yourselves "If you've never watched it, how can you say that it sucks?" I say this, I have never had a red-hot-poker colonoscopy either, but I don't need to have one to figure out that it sucks, okay?) The premise, apparently, is simply following a bunch of unemployed Nu Joisey twenty-somethings around (alright, I assume they are unemployed...I mean I have never heard that they actually have jobs and I'm not sure that McDonald's allows cameras in their food-preparation areas anyway) in their never-ending quest to tan, go to the gym, shop, drink, shout, swear and fuck.

I know, sounds great doesn't it?? Ugh, kill me now.

Anyhoo, apparently one of the 'stars' of the show, a douche-nozzle who calls himself 'The Situation', has been approached by a clothing manufacturer with a rather large cash offer. Ordinarily this is what reality 'stars' are ultimately after, fame and fortune, you know, so that they can continue to tan, go to the gym, shop, drink, shout, swear and fuck, but this offer is a little different. You see, in this instance the clothing company (Abercrombie & Fitch) are willing to pay this mashed-up bag of stupid a very large amount of money NOT to wear their clothes. Yup, you read that right, they think he is soooooooooo toxic to their company image that they are willing to pay him, NOT to be associated with them in any way whatsoever.

The problem is, this dumbass will probably take it as a compliment.....but it is refreshing to see that at least one company out there has drawn the line as to just how low they are willing to go...

Which brings me to this question; look, I know that the money is still green, and it will still spend the same, but holy cow, just how bad do you have to suck to have someone offer to pay you NOT to use their product??


Okay, I lied...there is going to be one tiny little bit about politics. Just in case you haven't seen it yet because you were vacationing on Pluto or something, here is the funniest picture of Batshit Bachmann you are ever likely to see....

I guess that's what she really meant when she said she was more than capable of handling President Obama...

Have a great weekend kids!!!

*Look it up - it's disgusting and funny at the same time, especially when you realize it's also the surname of one of the most rabidly anti-gay republicans currently on the campaign trail for the Whitehouse...

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