Look, we all know what happened in the most recent mid-term elections, republicans took back the seats they had lost two years ago to the phenomenon of 'change' sweeping the country at the time. The M$M of course did their bit to paint it as a massive disaster for the Democrats. The presstitutes were barely able to suppress their ear-to-ear grins as they described the elections as a wholehearted repudiation of the Obama doctrine (which is weird, because if he actually does have a doctrine it appears to consist entirely of asking to be kicked in the balls repeatedly by the republicans whilst simultaneously apologizing to the American people for being too partisan). But what went totally unmentioned was the fact that the republican politicians that were elected this cycle are some of the least-qualified and heavily IQ-deficient bunch seen in D.C. since Newt Gingrich's 'contract on America' crowd showed up in the 1990's. This should be seen as very bad omen.
The fact that they are a bunch of hypocrites is a given (they are after all republican politicians, so naturally there's not a lobbyist's check they won't be eager to cash), but the fact that we find out so quickly is somewhat amazing. A case in point is Dr Andy Harris (R-Teabag) who was elected this past november in no small part due to his vehement and passionate opposition of the "government take-over of health-care" and a solemn promise to "repeal Obamacare". The fact that a doctor opposes a plan that gives people access to hospitals, doctors and medicine for the first time seems a little strange to me, but in Tea-bag world it obviously makes perfect sense. Anyway, as it turns out Dr Harris is a big fan of government run health plans after all. Specifically his. So much so in fact, he got a little pissy when he found out he'd actually have to wait before his benefits kicked in. Imagine that, after all of his anti-government rhetoric, after all of his railing against the 'socialist healthcare plan' this guy can't even wait 'til he's been sworn in before he wants his piece of the pie.
This is yet another reason why Teabaggers are fucking morons. They have been played like violins and they are too fucking stupid to know it. Sadly the joke is on the rest of us as we have to put up with at least two years of these assholes in office before we get a chance to throw them back out on the street where they belong.
*this phrase is redundant I know, but it is a service message for the thinking-impaired.
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