Friday, October 28, 2011

Trick or Treat...with 6,999,999,999 of your closest friends....

On Monday October 31st, 2011 whilst kids in the western world celebrate the festival of All Hallows Eve by participating in the annual ritual of door-to-door extortion for candy, another truly scary milestone in the history of our planet will be reached. By Monday morning there will be 7 Billion human beings on the planet.

Seven Billion.

I can't visualize a number that large and have it make any sense to me...If I were standing on a beach there are trillions of grains of sand granted, but it all makes just one beach. 7 Billion people on the other hand, make a helluva lot more than one beach. Keeping that many people fed, housed, clothed, educated, watered, employed and tended to is simply not possible. The planet just doesn't have the resources. In point of fact, the resources we do have are being consumed at such alarming rates that before we have another war over oil, we may very well have wars over food, or water instead. And can you imagine that amount of waste that 7 billion humans create? It's a wonder that we're not neck-deep in shit already...

As with the plethora of other cheery folks predicting the end of the world as we know it via disease, famine, pestilence, violence or Republican Presidents (cockroaches will rule the planet one mark my words), the newest are those that say that we are simply going to breed ourselves out of existence. In much the same way that global warming will eventually drown all of Florida and most of New York (and not a moment too soon), and the CDC boffins say that a new flu-type virus could easily wipe out a couple of billion people, now it appears we are heading to our doom because there are too many guys that don't wear rubber johnnies...

So I will add this as a sort of public service message to try and do my part to ease the problem:

"Fellas! Don't be a fool, cover your tool...after all, the planet you save, might just be your own..."


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